That day, Jiang Cheng's returned spread like wildfires. In the next day, the omega personally made his journey to meet the Dragon Emperor who's happily decided to have a grand celebration only for his runaway bride. Ahead the long stairs, a thousand government officials stands in two sides watching Jiang Cheng's figure approaching the infamous Majesty. Just seeing the luxurious colored of pristine white in his vision, his eyes twitched in disapproval. He already met the Alpha once before, it was when he visited the palace a long time ago. His father were busy talking to the former Majesty as he wandered into more secluded area, that lead him at unknown area.

"What is this place? This is so beautiful, look at this flowers. Mother will like this very much." The young Jiang Cheng has been plucking lot of white flowers from the garden. He is not aware that crown prince of Gusu were taking an early nap a few steps away from where he stood.

With the overflowing excitement, Jiang Cheng stumbled and fallen into the bed of flowers. On the other hand, the crown prince has woken up.

"Who's there-"


Once their eyes met, some thing is made out of one's knowledge. That, they have created a deep meaning of friendship. It will tell in the far future.

"Are you okay?" The crown prince held out his hand. "Let me help you."

"Ah, thank you."

Jiang Cheng smiled awkwardly, hiding the flowers behind his back. He heard a laughed from the other boy. He felt like being insulted, so his facial expression starts to changed. He put a scowl on his chubby face and crossed his small arms.

"What are you laughing at!?"

"My bad, my bad, I apologise. Anyway, why are you here?"

"Hmmp," Jiang Cheng looked away. "I'm lost and you, why are you here too?"

The crown prince hummed for a while and then smiled. "I am the gardener in this place, yet you plucked my flowers without any permission. Do you know how rude your action is?"

Jiang Cheng paled at the realization, he quickly distance himself. All the flowers in his hands is released reluctantly. He do not know what to do and his father will get mad at him. Seeing the fear on his reaction, the crown prince sighed in amusement.

"What is your name?"

"Jiang..Jiang Cheng."

"Hmm, do you like the flowers?"

"Yes."Jiang Cheng replied. "My mother like every kind of flowers, I wish I can bring these back to her today."

"Why flowers?"

"Why? Are you the gardener right? Do you not like flowers? Isn't it obvious, all the flowers bloom beautifully until the end they withered and die. But, all their beauty will never be forgotten."

A cold wind blew that moment as Jiang Cheng grinned. The crown prince smile vanished quickly as his eyes never left the beautiful scenery before him. He do not know he already fallen in love.

"I want you to marry someday."


"I want you to be my wife, when I grow up into fine man."

"I can't be your wife."

"Will you marry me or I'll tell the crown prince your shameless actions."

Jiang Cheng panicked, "Wait! Wait! Fine, I will marry you someday. I will wait for you to grow up."

"Good. Now, let me seal our promise."

The michievous crown prince leaned forward and kissed Jiang Cheng's fair skinned forehead. Every time he come with his father, he goes at this garden to meet the gardener. Until a day he didn't arrived and the crown prince was very dejected.

"Why are you here?"

"Royal father, where is Minister Jiang?"

"What do you want from the dead?"

"What Royal father meant the dead?"

"Minister Jiang whole family died last night from the hands of assassins." As if his whole world died, the crown prince locked himself in his palace for many years. He confirmed the death of Jiang Cheng and tried to searched for him all over the Empire. But, no one can tell if he's alive even. All the sufferings, it has made the crown prince to changed. He grew up cruel, sadistic and merciless. At the moment his little brother came back with good news of finding his long loss friend-named Wei Wuxian. Everything come back to the new Emperor.

He found out Jiang Cheng is alive and living at the outskirts of Empire. He is now a fully grown up beautiful omega and strong individual who never lower himself to anyone. The Emperor quickly called for the missing Jiang Family and have rewarded them for coming back at the Gusu Empire. He is afraid of losing him once again, so he made an imperial decree to marry Jiang Cheng as soon as possible.

However, before the wedding day he'd received a news of Jiang Cheng running away. He was deeply hurt and angered to death. His cold voice can be heard all over the palace hall, declaring everyone to search for his bride's whereabouts. It was a tiring days for everyone. As some has to lose their head in his maddening temper. With a threats of wanted poster he is sure Jiang Cheng will be back for his family. But, if he is really stubborn and then he have no choice but kill all his family even he must to.

"Your Majesty."

"Cheng'er, you're finally here. I waited for you everyday."

"Your Majesty," Jiang Cheng eyes held the coldness.

"Call me, A-huan, Cheng'er." Lan Xichen stated, smiling warmly. As he walked up to his beloved. "Welcome back, Cheng'er and please don't leave my side again."

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