“Hello?” Asking, tears are at the brim of falling over but I hold them in so no one gets concerned, manly thing to do.

            “Hi is Ruby available? I was wondering if I needed to buy her ticket for her?” Her grandmother asks seeming rather excited about this, but that is when I crack, the tears flow uncontrollably before I have a chance to reply. “What is wrong? What happened to her?” She asks demanding yet broken at the same time.

            “S-she…had a seizure today…They said she has diabetes so it’ll be a while before she is coming over there.” She gasps loudly and I hear a lot of shuffling making me confused.

            “I will be down there shortly, what hospital are you at?” Thinking hard I cant seem to remember what hospital that we arrived at, searching around to the reception desk it has the name right on it, im so dumb!

            “Trenton Waters Hospital.” Soon the phone line ends, she left already, its so strange right now, ugh!

            Letting my hands fall down in my hands the tears fall down more viciously, why wont they let me in the room? Its not like I did anything to her! My phone buzzes a bit again but just for a text, thankfully. Jerik where are you two? ~Mom

            We are at Trenton Waters Hospital, she had a seizure, we just got here and they wont let me in. ~Jerik

            On my way! ~Mom

            Usually she says ‘we are on our way’ but she didn’t, maybe she really is bringing them all but didn’t have the time to type it? “Jerik?” A voice calls out sounding frantic, looking up I see our tech teacher, tie loose, his vest jacket hanging over his arm, he is a wreck.

            “What are you doing here?” Standing up to my feet I tower over him easily, he doenst look intimidated at all.

            “I work with Ruby’s father, he asked me to look after her during the school year, how is she?” I don’t really know if I trust this guy, he does look a lot like the description of him, even if he was in a hoddie to hide his face.

            “Why don’t I belive you?” He looks like I just stabbed him and  hard, but then he sighs throwing his head down.

            “Is this because she thinks I am her rapist? Yeah it was embarising being handcuffed in front of the students and escorted away from the school, but I understand that she was scared and desperately wanting to have him locked up. But he isn’t me, we are two completely different people.” But if they are he wouldn’t have the tattoo on his waist, they didn’t look for that now did they?

            “Pull up your shirt.” Snapping he looks a bit offended, but why I just asked him a simple question.


            “I said…pull up your damn shirt!” Snapping once again he quickly pulls up his shirt, searching both sides of his waist, if I didn’t search hard enough I wouldn’t have been able to catch it, but I did, a small corner of a tattoo, but most of it is covered by his high rised pants. I tug it down slightly and that’s when I see it, on his right side, a heart with numbers that read 0788. Coming back to look into his dark eyes he only smiles evily.

            “Yeah so I may have lied, I did rape her, and it was good too. But I didn’t know that it would have gotten her pregnant, but now I want the baby, and when she has it, its gonna be mine.” But anger rises in me too much, he hurt her! He did all of this to her! My fist strikes hard against his soft face, people around me gasp but this isn’t enough. My fist pounds down on his face once again before I scream.

            “Call 9-1-1, he is the rapist!” Hopping down onto him I pound again, and again seeing the blood just pour from his face.

            “Jerik what are you doing?” My mother screams, with all my brothers following behind her. Grabbing ahold of his blood covered throat I squeeze tightly so he doesn’t get loose.

            “Its him, he is the rapist! He did this to her!” I scream once again and punch him so hard a loud crack fills the room and some of the nurses let off small shrieks. But now he doesn’t fight back, he is unconscious.

            “No he isn’t, the poor man is her teacher!” Everyone just stands there gawking at what I just did, with all the blood.

            “Mom he has the tattoo! And he admitted it to me! Believe me damn it mother! He did that to her!” Lile races next to me pulling up the tucked in shirt showing his tattoo, once he sees it tears roll down his face, he punches the guy as much in the gut as he can without hitting me.

            “Mom this is the guy.” Lile projects through his gritted teeth, but no one knows what to say nor do. Soon a whole team of officers come running in guns armed, so I quickly hop off the man, if that’s what you call a rapist, and they come investigate it.

            “I swear this is the rapist, he admitted it to me.” Holding my hands up one officer grabs my wrist spinning me up against the firm wall holding my arm high up against my back.

            “Take crippled away, just going to make sure he doesn’t do anything else.” This officer sneers in my ear loudly, but my shoulder and elbow are screaming at me with the force of my arm being shoved up my back. I am just glad that they caught him, he is done for, he is gone and now Ruby doesn’t have to worry about anything anymore.


Hey guys sorry I havent uploaded in a while, I think this chapter is horrible, not my best work, please comment and vote guys I really want to know how i am doing. I wont ask this often, it wont kill you to comment. 

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