Chapter 24 - Please

Start from the beginning

"We don't have to tell anyone," Harry pointed out. Draco couldn't help but be thrilled by how much Harry wanted them to happen.

"All's it takes is one person to see us Harry... we can't be together."

"I can't leave you alone!"

"I won't be alone. Theo and Blaise? They aren't so against the natural order. They're Slytherins and my roommates for seven years. I'm a Slytherin... you're a Gryffindor... we aren't meant to be together."


"No, it's not. You're telling me your housemates will be completely fine with you being... with... a Slytherin? An ex-Death Eater? Huh? A gay ex-Death Eater Slytherin? And what do you think my housemates will do to me? Slumming it with the Golden boy? Betraying my family and all the purebloods?"

"Slumming it? We have no idea where we will be sleeping, Draco."

"Maybe... but that's half of Hogwarts automatically hating us for being together from the start. Add the ones that hate different "relationships" and then add everyone else who hates Voldemort. This is doomed... can't you see that?"

"No, my Gryffindor, big, fat head can't think that far ahead!" Harry sneered derisively.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Draco said, lowering his head.

"Shit..." Harry said, wrapping his arms around him again. "I was trying to keep my temper. This is stupid, Draco. I don't care what they think or do."

"And what about me? You can't be there every second, Harry. We aren't in the same classes... we don't sleep in the same room. They'll get me... punish me for even looking at you! I'm the one who they will take it out on. You might stop some of it or be strong enough to bear the pain and ridicule, but they'll crucify me. I'm the enemy."

"I thought that was going to happen regardless," Harry muttered dryly.

"By some sure... not the whole bloody school. And you, Harry, you're their champion. You can't compromise that... soil your reputation."

"I FUCKING DIED FOR THEM!" he roared, not a foot from Draco.

Draco looked at the floor, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry...."

Harry regulated his screaming. "I did enough for them. I lost damn near everything and I have to give them more?"

"It's not right, Harry... but you're the Chosen One. They put you on a pedestal."

"I sure as fuck don't have to accept it. And what's my say in all this? You think you can just make these decisions and I'm supposed to like it? I think I have a right...."

"What you're going to force me to agree to this? Use your absolute power over me to have it your way?"

Harry jolted like Draco had slapped him. "No... I didn't mean...."

"It's my decision... right? Of course, you can do whatever you want. I can't tell you no... I don't even want to say no. I'm 18 and there's nothing I would love more... but this is the right decision. It's what I want."

"Draco... I wouldn't do anything against your will. But I can at least try to suade you... can't I? We're friends, aren't we?"

"I think that we are more than that Harry," Draco said, his chest heaving from the sobs threatening to break out. They were so much more than friends.

Harry dragged him over to the couch, so he could properly cry it out. Harry held onto him tightly. Draco just keep apologizing and Harry just keep whispering "it's okay" in his ear. Draco let out a fresh round of agonizing sobs when he realized that this would be the last time... the last night... that he would have this comfort. He pressed up against Harry as to not leave any space. Harry tightened his hold, also realizing the end.

Draco Malfoy, BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now