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The Ending Of This Needs Work, Blah!




Cold, and starving from the lack of food she had had in the last few days, Edeline looked up to the small parting of the trees above her head and sighed. It had been days, and she was starting to lose the trail of her target. It was the first time in her life that she had actually come close to losing her target.

And the only reason that she could think of, as to why this one kept getting away from her, was that they were an assassin as well. If only her father did not want to rid of the competition in this area, she would not feel so utterly stupid. Why did it even matter to her father anyways? They were famous enough as they were, every nobleman’s first choice for a hired assassin. It was not like they had to live the lives of petty high way men that stole from men and women’s cars after causing them to hault and then raping or killing everyone inside.

No, they lived in respectable nobility. And everyman out there…wanted her hand in marriage. It was almost laughable really. No one was suitable for her, she could break any man who dared to lay a hand on her in an instant. And what she wanted…what she needed was a male who would not crumble after feeling the unrelenting touch of her fingers digging into his skin.

It would be truly amazing, if she could just find that man who she could scuffle with already. She was tired of wasting time on men who became scared when they witnessed her raw power. She needed a real man. Someone who stand beside her, fight her when she was wrong—which she never was—and pick her up and be rough with her. Who would not give a second thought to throwing her over his shoulder and whiplashing her.

Yes, she needed someone who was not afraid.

Smirking to herself, Edeline drank the rest of what was left in her tin canister and closed her eyes for the night. Her prey would show themselves soon enough, and when they did, she would be right there, snapping at their ankles and grappling at their hands.

She never lost.

Kyros brushed back his hair and took in a deep breath, it had been two years since his aunt had died and left him with everything. Two long, hard years. And now here he stood, outside her mansion overlooking every detail of hard work he had put into it.

When she got older, his aunt could no longer take care of her garden like she used to. And with her failing health, Kyros had little time to tend to it while he took care of her. But now, it was back in full bloom and looking far better than the Venizelos whose yard had always put theirs to shame.

What with all their high architecture, graceful arch ways leading up to their front door and beautiful stonework, it was hard to keep up. But now, he had all of that and more. His aunt would have been proud, and obnoxious over the fact that she finally had something better than the Venizelos rather than her orchard tree.

Looking back at that orchard tree, a frown dawned upon Kyros face. The Venizelos’s bratty little daughter always used to throw rocks at him from that tree, with her face caked in mud to somehow disguise herself from him. But oh, Kyros always knew who it was. That little scoundrel of a witch. He had been far too happy when her parents sent her off to that all girls school, he had not seen her face for ten years, and he planned to keep it that way. After all, there had been nothing pleasant to look at in the first place. Just scabby knees, knobby elbows and a round face framed by ebony black hair tied up in a tight braid.

Ah how good his life had been ever since she had left! He had finally been able to go stand by the orchard tree and climb it, or read poetry underneath it without a surprise hitting him from above. He could run around his yard with his aunts dog and not have her yelling insults at him how rather he was the bitch and the dog was his master.

Yes, everything had brightened when her plague had left and he had never had to see her again. Heck, she had not even been back to see her parents, or at least he had not seen her come to do that. And for that, he was grateful. May she stay wherever she was!

Relishing in how great he had become since she left, Kyros heard the earth shattering cry and  turned around to look down the road from his house to see a fight down below.

Finding one of the shapes to be a woman, he quickly decieded to move down their to help her. There was no more rapes happening in his neck of the neighbourhood anymore if he could help it!

Drawing the blade from his side, he rushed in right when the attacker was about to stab the girl and deflected the hit. Instead turning the fight on the man and using his own knife that he had just been trying to use to inflict harm on the girl, to stab himself.

Smiling with victory as the man fell to the ground with a groan, Kyros turned around to ask if the woman was okay on to be greeted with a kiss.

“You…I like you. Wouldn’t you like to help little old me out just a little bit more often?” The woman purred into his ear as she drew away from the kiss to lick his ear.

Feeling slightly shocked Kyros turned to look at the woman, and saw the glint of pure mischievousness in her eyes. And a little too slowly realized that she was not the one who needed saving, but rather had just used her screech as a distraction for the man withering on the ground.

“Now why would I do that?” Kyros asked, stepping back from her as she licked her lips and looked him over. Stopping only to stare at his biceps, chest and abdomen.

“Because I work for the greater good my dear, riding the world of all it’s corrupted politicans and helping the righteious rise to power. Now doesn’t that seem wonderful to you? Wouldn’t you like to join…my little family?” She smiled at him then, and stepped a bit closer, taking his hand in hers. “I can make you feel like you have more purpose to your life than saving a lady in distress, my dear.” Kyros frowned as he looked down at his hand in hers, but smiled when he looked back up at her.

“A purpose you say? In bringing down madmen?”

“Oh, aren’t they all madmen nowadays? Always bickering about what’s right for the people, when really it’s all just so wrong.” Her words were like honey to his ears, singing his thoughts about the politics around him that had been happening for years. He was actually beginning to like this idea…of joining her so called ‘family’. After all, he had none left no purpose. And she could give him purpose, something he’d been looking for. The house was done, his aunt’s debts settled. He needed something fun to do, something just for him…

“Hmm do tell me more.” He asked, looking directly into her stark yellow eyes. She just laughed at him before biting her lip.

“Oh how I could use someone like you.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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