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Today was very cold. But it didn't bother me. People looked at me like a was crazy, though. I didn't mind the looks. They all thought I was some lost kid separated from their Mommy. To be honest, I don't have a Mommy. Or a Daddy. All I remember was getting out of that orphanage when I was five. It was so lonely there. I had no friends and I still don't.

I continue to walk without a care in the world and anyone who looks at me'll get my famous cold look. (Which, by the way, totally doesn't fit with my looks.) "You! Come back here!" I heard an angry voice yell. I froze on my tracks. I heard a few whimpers and loud barks follow after and thudding footsteps muted by the white blanket.

"You filthy mutt! I'll let you go! Only because you look dead already." I heard that voice again along with some pained whines. As soon as I heard the footsteps stop, I rushed to the sound of the whines. It turned out to be a dog. On it's side, legs in odd directions, its white coat was ruined by a gash on its left hind leg and front right paw. In its mouth beared a hunk of pork the half the size of a pillow. Moonstone eyes looked at me in pain.

"It's okay now. I'm here. I'll protect you!" I said with a smile. I quickly got to work and took off my cardigan and fought with it until it was in shreds. I fished some water out of the side of my guitar case where the water bottle holder was. I managed to clean the wounds without further injuring the poor thing. I carefully applied pressure to the wounds then wrapped them with the remains of my shredded forest green cardigan.

They were deep lacerations, that's for sure. Man, it was probably a butcher with that big choppy thingy. "Awh~ You poor doggie. Sho kay now! I'll be with you now!" I ruffled its fur and it barked and wagged its tail. I checked for a tag and found none. "So, you don't have an owner, eh? I'll take good care of you okay? You're mine now!" The dog tilted its head at me and expected me to do something. What was I missing...

"Oh, you want a name?" "Woof." "Okay then! What about...Mochi? It's sweet rice cake. And it's white!" I said with a giggle to the canine. "Woof!" "I'll take it as a yes." After I spoke, I smelt a thick scent. I sniffed some more. Gasoline? Why do I smell gasoline? Unless...I look up and see a long black car a few meters in front of me. In all haste, I grab Mochi and roll out of the way. We were safe, but you couldn't say the same to my guitar.

"M-my guitar...I-it's broken..." I mewled. Mochi just growled at the car. Apparently, it ran over its hard-earned hunk of pork, too. Someone then came out of the long car. He had pale blond hair and purple sapphire eyes that shone with a sort of...Royal? Yeah...I guess that's the word. Royal charm. He came out and looked at us first and looking at the front wheels.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I run over your things? I didn't mean to I swear! Are you and your dog okay? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Said the blubbering blonde. I looked at him with a cold stare and said, "No. We're perfectly fine." His face then turned sullen. "Then why are you crying? Was that," he stopped to point at my crushed guitar and the flattened pork, "Something of importance to you?" he finished, wiping the tear that managed to escape.

"I've had my guitar ever since I was five. I just found this dog bleeding and I patched it up. That pork was his and he got hurt while getting it." I said assuming Mochi was a boy while persuading my voice not to crack. "But it's okay. You ran them over by accident, right? You didn't mean it." I look up to the tall blond stranger with a sad smile. "Wait a second." A flash of realization hit him. "Where are your parents? Aren't they with you? Did you get lost?" He started to panic again.

I laughed and said, "Calm down! You make it sound like I'm having a heart attack! To answer your question, I'm an orphan. I've been living by myself ever since I left my orphanage when I was five." He stared down at me in disbelief. "Where do you live? Aren't you cold in those clothes?" Now that I get a good look at him, he was wearing a thick jacket over a periwinkle blazer and I can see woolen socks peeking out of his black pant leg ever so slightly. He must be really cold.

"I live where ever I deem it safe to sleep. While I've been living in this life style, the weather does nothing to affect me. I'm not cold. I'm quite the opposite." I looked at the hand that wasn't stuffed in a jacket pocket wrapped my tiny hands onto his. They were pretty warm and this guys hand was so cold. He flinched at the sudden contact but he slowly grew used to the temperature of my hand.

"Wow, you really are warm." He cleared his throat and I let go of his hand. "For ruining your things, your dog being injured, and for you not having a place to stay, I would like for you to live with me. How would you like that?" He said with a bright smile bringing his hand out to help me up from the cold snow. "Can I trust you?" I ask him. He gives me an incredulous look and says, "I can't believe you'd doubt me." I then slowly reach out for his hand and he lifts me up.

He explains to the driver what happened so badly that his master had to get out of the car. "You're so light. Do you eat?" he questions me once we all, (Including Momo of course! Who could forget that white ball of fluff?) get into the long car. "Yeah, of course. I eat every two...No, three days. That's if I'm lucky." I state. The stranger looks at me from my head to my toes and questions, "How old are you? Elementary, right?" I pouted at him, "I'm fifteen!" He looks at me for a nano second and suddenly the charges at me, crushing me to his body and twirling me in the air.

How is it that this car is so spacious and large that this guy can spin me like I was on a carousel?! "SO CUTE! SO VERY VERY CUTE!" My face flushes and a raise my voice, "Yah, please put me down!" "Okay!" He looks at me with a puppy face. "So cute..." I hear him mumble. Soon the long car comes to a stop and I ask him what I was thinking while he was twirling me in the air. "First off, they're called limos and second, I'm rich!" He shows me his house which barely looks like one.

"This...Is a house?! It's a palace!" "I know! And this is now your new home. I'm your Father now!" He says with his hands in a salute and eyes closed in my direction. F-father? As in like, a parent?! I-I...I can't be happier! I rush to the stranger and give him a big bear hug. "Daddy?" His eyes twinkle in delight, "Yes?" "I love you~" My face became apple red as I said those words. He was shocked but after a few moments, he wore the biggest smile I've ever seen on a person and replied.

                                                                   "I love you too.”

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