37. A Possible Ally

Start from the beginning

A quivering breath escaped her lips, trying to focus on something less frightening.

Florence had packed an extra outfit with her. She had already found a nice hotel near Times Square and had made a reservation for tonight. It wasn't anything too lavish, but she hadn't stinted her money either. Perhaps it was time to truly relax for once. She had also taken her computer with her so she can communicate with her friends and brother. She had been neglecting them for too long while she was dealing with mr Satan.

She wouldn't go to the hotel yet. She had something else in mind.

Luckily, she had put enough distance behind her so she could stress less about an unwelcome collision. The brunette stopped her car at the first flower shop she saw open at this hour. She had a couple of hours to kill and had already reflected on her plans for the day. The gold morning sun was now up, making the day brighter and warmer.

As she got out of her Mustang, she removed her sunglasses and glanced at the side of her car. For a moment the image of her pinned against Jason's black Jaguar replayed in her mind. A wave of faintness washed over her like a steamy hot shower. She touched her lips. She could feel her stomach knot up.

The girl huffed and frantically shook her head.

Why would she think like that? In fact, why would her mind bother keeping him there- locked in her memories? She knew he was handsome, but it wasn't the reason she was this drawn to him.

A shiver crept up her neck and she quickly thrust those thoughts aside.

She hastily legged towards the store. She went in, bought a bouquet of white lily flowers and hurried on her way.

The cemetery was not far from her previous stop. She could still remember where her neighbor was buried and followed the path that lead her there. She passed under the different types of trees, their leaves turned to a warm green color as the sun went through them.

She could feel a slight breeze wave her curls slightly to the side and feeling grateful for it. 'Like a dramatic call to arms,' she mused with bright eyes.

The day was turning hotter the higher the sun went.

She passed a lot of different graves, big and small, rich and poor, well- preserved and even long- forgotten ones. All were on the same level, all standing alongside each other. In the end, for the angel of death, they were all the same.

Finally, she came to stand in front of Randy's gravestone. The final residence of her now deceased friend was overcome with a bright carpet of freshly- planted ryegrass surrounding him. Miniature American flags were embedded on the ground on either side of his stone, reminding the passengers of his great sacrifice; his life.

Many kinds of flowers were left to his name, some with wishing cards and some without- there she laid her own as well. The marble was dark with the NY police insignia sculpted on the upper part. Underneath were a few words about who he was. A quote was all she fixated on. It read; to the greatest father and husband; our hero. You will be dearly missed.

If only she could alter what happened, but that was beyond her control. All she could do now is help his wife and kids just like he had done for her. Hopefully, Molly wouldn't keep her distance for long. How could Florence give her comfort to the young mother if she herself refuses it? She couldn't blame the woman. They barely knew each other for a month. It was Randy she got to know the most.

He saw her on her first day in her new home, exiting the cab and dragging her heavy suitcase inside. He was returning from work, still on his uniform, he decided to greet her. When she revealed who she was to aunt Anna he was adamant that she dined with him and his family, and thus, they became close.

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