our love story.

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hi. my names grace(18). and here's my love story. october 10,2016. pumpkin patch. i met this boy. vincent. the love of my life. brown curly hair. the most handsome boy i'd ever seen. the exact storyline is a bit confusing. but i'll explain it the best i can. i had decided to go to a pumpkin patch with my family. my mom, rebecca(32). my dad(33), travis. my two brothers, andrew(13) and charles(10), and my sister, camila(19). the one i tell everything. me and camila went on our own to look for pumpkins, even though we didn't want to be there. camila has found her pumpkin and i couldn't find mine. eventually i was tired of looking and picked a random pumpkin, afterwards i couldn't find my sister, or anyone from my family. and of course. my phone was.. dead. so i had to ask someone. "hi, sorry to bother you" i said. "hi, how can i help you" said vincent. "do you have a phone that i can borrow? i think my family may have left me." "yeah of course, just give me a second." he smiled. he was definitely the most handsome person i'd ever seen. while i was waiting for him, i couldn't stop imagining me and him. me and him. just me and him. "here you go" he says as he hands me his phone. "thank you so much, it won't be long" i dialed my moms phone number, my dad, and my sister. none of them answered. so i believed i was left with one thing left to do. i handed the phone back to him. and told him thanks, and started to walk out. then i feel a hand grab me. i turn around and see him. "so what happened?" "oh none of them answered i'm just going to walk home, it's not that far away." "you can be serious. someone as pretty as you can't be walking home, let me give you a ride home. i'll just take the rest of the day off." "no, it's fine seriously don't worry about it." "no i insist." and then i couldn't speak. he had taken my heart. right then and there. i was a teen. i was very much a teen. in love. without even knowing this guy. not even knowing his name. "alright, i'm done come on." "thank you so much for doing this, it means a lot to me." "of course." he smiled. we drove to my house. that was only about 10 minutes away. once i got there i was about to get out of the car a decided yolo. i turned and kissed him. and he kissed back. for the first time i felt cared for. and safe. "woah. never happens to me, because im always the ugly one" "you've gotta be kidding me, you're the hottest person i've ever seen." it slipped out i guess. but he blushed and was also the cutest thing ever. "so what your gonna make me wait till next time?" "damn. didn't know there was going to be a next time." "of course, i cant pass up a beautiful girl like you." "oh stop." "can i atleast have your number?" "sure." *gives him the number* "text you later." "k got it thanks."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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