Eunkwang Enlistment

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Sungjae's POV

Today I had to go to LA for jibsabu filming. It's been awhile since I went to oversea. Last time in April I go to LA with members for our schedule. Right after that we were busy in preparing for our comeback. We had a lot to prepare such as audio recording, dance practice, discussing on our album packaging and photoshoot as well. Past few months I really had hectic schedule where I need to go to the group fansign, jibsabu filming, CF shooting, and fanmeeting. Rather than being tired he satisfied because when think of it, he can spend more time with members and melodies. He can say that all of his hardwork was paid off in an instant.

This morning I go to meet Eunkwang hyung to bid my farewell. Unfortnately I can't send him off to military since my schedule was overlapped with his when he need to go I was not around in Korea. So I'm going to say goodbye in advance. I packing my belonging into the luggage and ride the car straight to Eunkwang hyung house after that. Soon, I arrive and Eunkwang hyung welcome me with his bright smile.

"Yahhh Yook Sungjae you come!" He said while making a way for me to come in. I just come here a few days ago with other members to have our sleepover together before Eunkwang hyung enlistment. We talked a lot, having fun, drinking and teasing each other that night. Another memories that we created to be remembered forever.

"Wahhh last time we left this place in such a mess hyung. Now it super clean and clear. You are really really productive person." I teased.

"Of course" He replied and take his seat infront of me "You guys such a brat! Once I wake up that morning you guys left already without even bother to clean all the rubbish"

I laugh. "I'm sorry hyung. I really need to go early because I forgot to switch off my water pipe at my house" I pause try to convince him "Hyung, if I late for a minute my house will flood"

It sound ridiculous even in your ears but Eunkwang just let it go. "Aish you really had a good reason huh?"

"I need to survive"

We laugh.

"I have to go to LA this evening you know right? I unable to send you off next week i'm so sorry hyung"

"It's okay Sungjae-ya.. What can you do about it? Will you cancel your flight and send me instead?"

"Of course not" I said immeately without hesitation.

"You brat!"

After a long conversation with hyung for about 2 hours straight. it's time for me to leave. We talked about many things. About our life, our future and how we want to stick together forever. Even i'm such an evil, I apologize for all things i did to him and thanked him for all this time he taken care of me very well. And lastly we hugged for freaking minutes. Eunkwang hyung almost in the verge of crying again. I'm trying lifting up the mood by saying, "You are ugly but when you are crying you are even uglier"

He slapped me slightly while laughing. At least he didn't cry.

After bid my farewel, I go to the SBS to meet up with jibsabu production team. On the way to SBS, I think of Ilhoon and decided to call him. After a few rings, he pick up the phone.

"Hmm Sungjae?" Ilhoon answered with his usual lazy low tone.

"yeah Ilhoon hyung... what are you doing?" I pause "I'm on my way to SBS and straight to airport after that"

"Oh you going to LA today..." He said. His voice was so low almost unheard. "I'm doing nothing just lie down on the bed"

"Ahh really? You worked hard this few days"

Then he goes silent. I wonder if he falling asleep but i wait for him to say anything.

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