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My name is Mika. 

I am nothing in this world but a simple girl. My friends often describe me as someone who would constantly zone out- daydream. They speak the truth. Just like now, I'm currently in my own world. 

I'm not really interested in the constant jabbering of Riza. That girl talks a lot. It's honestly both a blessing and a curse. But really, I could see why she would talk a lot, the girl is simply a lonely child. How do I say this? She's kind and a happy-go-lucky type of girl. She might as well be deemed as a perfect girl. Only her appearance is what makes people avoid her, and of course, her obvious made up stories is also a thing. Riza is the type of person that gives and gives and gives. And people often take advantage of that. Like me for instance. In the end, Riza is a pretty selfless girl for expecting little things like a greeting or just a simple gift on her birthday is enough for her. 

To her and me both, we know Riza is a stupid child.

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