To Wesssss;): 

Babeeeeee, I can't answer you all the time. I have class and I can't text during it. Sorry:( 

I hit send and not even 2 minutes later Wes called me. 

"Hi boo," He said into the phone. 

"Ew don't call me that, that's weird" I laugh and so does he. 

"But all the other ones are fine?" 

"Yes. Don't question it."

"So can you hang out now?" 

"Uhhh, I have one more class so no. I get out in an hour and a half though," I hear him groan. 

"I have practice then. What about tonight?"  and now it's my turn to sigh.

"I have work," I don't know why all of a sudden our lifes are so busy and it leaves no time for us. I get into my geography classroom while still on the phone with Wesley in silence. 

"Can we have a sleepover tonight then? I'll hang out with you at work then we will come to one of our apartments and have a small sleepover. Then tomorrow morning we will go out to breakfest," I smile at that. 

"I would really like that, Plus I don't have any classes tomorrow." As I say that my professor walks in, "Bye babe, my professor is here. I love you," 

"Bye sweetheart, I love you,"  and with that he ends the call. 

When the professor gives us silent work I finish it quickly, not making sure my answers are right, and play on my phone. I go to every app that has a notification bubble on it until almost all of them are clear. The last one I hit is my e-mail which is weird because no one e-mails me except my dad. I click on the e-mail and read. 


        I have enjoyed the last few times we have met up with each other and how we caught up. I would like to meet up again tonight for the last time before I levave tomorrow morning to go back to work. Sorry for the late notice. 


Well I can't really say no to my dad but I already said yes to wes. Maybe he could come visit during my break? I don't think Rachel would mind.


        I am very busy this afternoon but you could come visit me during my break at Starbucks at 4. It is right down the street from the Italian restaurant we went to. 


"Now class please hand up your papers" the professor says. 

Well shit. 

Wes's pov. 

I walk into Starbucks to pick Lexi up and see her sniffling like she is about to cry. 

"Hey babe," I say and she looks up and waves before she scurries to the back room. I look over at Mike, "what's wrong with her?"

"She said goodbye to her dad today," He explains as he wipes the counter. 

"Ohh, well-"I start  but get cut off by Lexi. 

"I'm ready, bye Mikey," She says and takes my hand and leads me out of Starbucks and to my car. 

"What's up? And don't just say I just said goodbye to your dad because you are pissed and upset, I know you."

"Well I said bye and he didn't even hug me or say he would miss me or say he loved me. All he did was say bye and shake my hand. Like what kind of fucking father doesn't say any words of affection towards his daughter?" She rants with uneven breaths.

"A terrible father. But that doesn't matter because I love you," I tell her and kiss her cheek. 

"And I love you," She smiles and kisses my cheek.


Hiiiiiiii, I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I'M SO TERRIBLE.But anyways hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!

Fun story:So i was at Band Camp this week and one night I lost my phone so my two friends and I looked all across this huge field in the cark looking for it and couldn't find it so we called our band director and we still couldn't find it so we called evryone on my guard team asking if they picked it up and no one did so we went home and the next day I was with my friend before practice and we had to dran out my cooler that I left in her car and when we opened the cooler we saw my phone sitting in it and it is now destroyed and I lost everything like my WWA concert pictures and the outline for Punk so yeah I'm pissed but I hope you enjoyed your week! 

Also I am going back to school on Wednesday so yeah....... 

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Thanks for reading loves!XOXO

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