My ninja way - A Naruto love story*

Start from the beginning

That idiot, I shook my head at the remembrance of that crooked mouthed, thief. The Third wall protectors where also here, they wore Green Uniforms. I turned my head and a woman in a blue uniform caught my eye. I looked at her, then blushed and looked away. The "chakra" specialists were usually woman, who practically wore cloths for clothing. The chakra specialist's, are usually in the controll room to pump chakra to keep the Village afloat. They looked like, dancers with the silk uniforms that showed their stomachs and were cut into slits on the sides of their legs. They looked so, graceful...and cold? I mean its cold down here, how do they prounce around in these cloths? I held my jacket tighter, trying to absorb as much heat while I watched, the Chakra Specialist's pump chakra around and calculate things. The control room, was acturally beneath the Castle. It had 3 entrances, the basement for Royalty, a secret door which I have yet to discover and also the third door which the Captains, and workers use to enter and leave the building. Its practically like, a dungeon if you asked me, it gets really cold down here. The only "furniture" that is around here, are cheap stool's that look like they came out of the First Ninja War and also, computers labs and bathrooms....which I fear to enter because the kitchen scared me enough. I shuddered at the memory of the rats. "Listen up, everyone!" Yelled a man, I looked up and saw General Mutso yell at us, I got distracted by the way he spoke. He reminded me of a turkey. The way he spoke and the fact, that he had 3 patches of hair on his head, didn't help me either.

He was extremely short for a man, he was just a head taller than me. His stomach, wiggled as he spoke and turned around for "dramatic" effects. His voice, was a mixture of a Chicken and a Moose...and something else...

"So does everyone, understand what to do?" He asked, while looking among the crowd. Ahhh! I zoned out on the speech, nooo I'm doomed, I anime fell down and began crying. "Hey, kid are you alright?" A man asked, I turned around and looked for the unkown voice. It was some guy with brown hair. He had a scar running down his left eye, that ended by his chin. "Cool..." I whispered to myself as I gawked at his scar, he slapped my hands away from his face. "Hey back off, you newbie!" He yelled at me, I felt something in me snap. "HEY I MIGHT BE NEW BUT THATS NO WAY TO TREAT A WOMAN!" I roared in his ear, he rubbed his ear while glaring at me. "YOUR NOT A WOMAN!" He yelled back at me, only making me glare at him further. I shoved my forehead against his. Sparks flew against our heads, as we grinded our foreheads against each other. Who is this idiot! And I am a woman! I pulled my head back suddenly, making him fall on his face. I bursted out laughing, and the other people around me all joined in. "Hideo-Kun, haven't you learnt your lesson with fighting with girls?" A guy yelled at him, while I continued laughing at this fool on the floor. "I am going to kill, you kid." He said, as he gave me an ice cold glare. I felt my blood turn to ice, as I bolted out of the Control room and ran up the castle screaming for my life, while a third wall guard chased after me. "Stand still, so I can stab you!" He yelled at me, this only motivated me to run faster as I headed towards the third wall gates.

* * * *

So I ended up, not only running to the third gate but all the way to the training grounds which is pass the second gate. Might I add, I was being chased by a "Jonin" in other words, I panted on the grass as he was still crawling behind me. "So damn fast." He panted out, while still crawling to get me. "I *pant* just ran *pant* 35 km's *pant* in 20 minutes..." I said, with my face in the grass. "Damn kid, you sure have some stamina." He complemented me. I smiled, even though he couldn't see. "Thanks." I said as we both stayed in our, resting positions. I rolled over so I was laying, on my back. I turned my head to look at the Guard next to me, his Green Uniform was dirty and full of mud. Well...we did fight a bit...and I threw him with some mud, here and there. "Use some water justsu, and clean us up kid, if you can do that right I guess our differences will be sorted out then." Oh great, out of ALL the nature jutsu's he had to choose the one, I suck the most at.

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