"Alright, but don't stay down here too long."

"Okay daddy." I say and he grins, walking away.

I sigh and lay my head on the table. Ryan's been perfect lately. I feel like I'm just weighing him down sometimes.

A tap on my shoulder snaps me out of my haze.

"Hey, neighbor." He says.

"Oh.. hi." I mutter sitting up.

He slips in from across me and folds his hands together like we were about to discuss business.

"So, I never got your name." He states staring at me with a goofy smile planted on his face.

"It's Emma.." I say dazing off again.

I stare past his head at the kid sitting with his mom. She's trying to feed him some applesauce but he keeps pulling away. Clearly frustrated, she slams the spoon down and rubs her temple. The boy then starts to cry. At first it's silent, then he screams and tears poor down his face.

I bite my lip as the mom rocks him back and forth, attempting to cease his crying. But it doesn't work. The boy continues sobbing. She holds him to her chest as his sobbing only grows more and more violent.

A hand moves in front of my view and I pull back, noticing that he was still here.

"Oh.. sorry." I stutter, licking my lips.

"You okay?" He says blinking.

"Yeah.. I'm fine."

"Okay... thought you died on me. But as I was saying, I'm mark."

I nod staring at my hands.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah,  I'm fine. I.. I have to go. Sorry, I really am.."  I stand up, pushing the chair back and fleeing from the table.

I'm back in the confusing hallways. I really should have gone with Ryan when he left. I clutch my forehead as a migraine settles in. I grunt and sweep my hair back, feeling dizzy.

I slip into the elevator and hang onto the railing. I feel like if I don't hold on to something I'll fall over. The dings from the elevator as we pass each floor irritates me and I feel my want to smash the buttons growing with each second.

Luckily the doors open and the dinging stops.

I walk down the hallway, leaning onto the wall for support. I reach my doorway and knock twice.

Standing there I look down the hallway and see that same old man. From the other day. I furrow my eyebrows together.

"Mr." I call out to him. "Are... are you okay?"

He just stares at me.

I swallow the lump in my throat and I knock at the door again. Feeling awkward, I face the door, expecting for it to open. Minutes pass and I turn and see the man is still there, watching me.

Irritated, I grumble, "What's your deal?"

The man blinks and turns away from me.I look down at my feet and shake my head. I'm losing it. I look back up to apologize for being rude, but the man is gone. I look around and bite my bottom lip. I slam my fist on the door again and when it doesn't open, I slide down the door.

"Hey, you okay?"

I look up and see Ryan.

I stare at him and notice something in his hand. A bag. "What's that.." I question.

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