Magic At Its Finest

Start from the beginning

"Are they here to hurt you guys or something?" Pyrrha asks. She had more calmly gone over to Cloud and hugged his arm.

"Probably. But, we can handle them if they get close to us, so no worries," Cloud says, wanting to reassure Pyrrha that it wasn't too dangerous.

"Aaaannnddd Reno got a bit more of a mouthful from Qrow," Zack grins. Reno just rolls his eyes at his friend.

"Shaddup Zack or I'll shave your tail," Reno says. Zack gasps.

"You wouldn't dare!" Zack says, hand on his chest. Reno smirks.

"Oh I would, yo."

"You couldn't even catch me if you tried!"

"Alright boys, that's enough," Aerith giggles. She could tell that the two were trying to lighten up the mood and it was surprisingly working. Reno and Zack stick their tongues out at each other as Zack hugs Aerith from behind.

"You two are a handful," Weiss sniffs.

"Oh come on Weiss Queen! You just gotta melt that Weissy heart of yours!" Yang grins.

"YANG!" Ruby shouts.

"Mom! Dad! Yang's making terrible puns again!" Cloud pipes up. Zack groaned a bit while Aerith giggles.

"But now that we still have most of the afternoon and the evening left to spend, how do we want to spend it?" Ren asks, deciding to save some people from their torment.

"Maybe just some movies? We did have quite the excitable morning and I'm sure Team ZARC would like to relax," Blake suggests. Everyone either nods or voices their agreement.

"Well, why don't we all get into comfy clothes and then setup everything in Team ZARC's room?" Jaune suggests. Once more, everyone nods or voices their agreement. Everyone then goes to their room and changes into their pajamas. Afterwards, Zack and Cloud followed Pyrrha into Team JNPR's room to grab a couch to bring into the room so everyone could be seated properly. Zack and Aerith sat on their pushed together bed, Aerith snuggling into Zack's chest happily. Cloud and Pyrrha cuddle on Cloud's bed. Ruby had zipped over to her dorm and snagged a bunch of pillows from there and with Reno's pillow and blankets, made a comfy pillow bed on the floor to share. On one couch, Yang sat between Blake and Weiss. The cat faunus had surprisingly been closer to Yang than the arm rest. On the other, Jaune sat on the end closer to Weiss while Ren sat in the middle as Nora had claimed the other end of the couch.

"Alright! What movie do we wanna watch? I suggest a horror!" Nora says, grinning widely.

"Maybe not a horror.. Horror doesn't sit well with me," Aerith pipes up.

"No horror! Mom doesn't like horror so no horror!" Yang says. Nora gasps.

"Of course no horror! We can't upset Mom!" Nora says, hands on her face.

"Why not a romcom?" Weiss suggests. Both Reno and Ruby made a face at that. Cloud snorts at their matching faces.

"Nope!" "Hell no."

"What about a fantasy film?" Pyrrha suggests.

"Whatcha got?" Zack asks.

"Perhaps Myrlin's Apprentice?" Pyrrha suggests.

"I second this. It's a really fascinating movie dealing with magic," Ren says, nodding.

"All in favor of Myrlin's Apprentice, raise your hands!" Nora says. Everyone's hand went up. "Then that's the movie we are watching!" she says before using her Scroll to setup the movie. The three teams kept watching movies throughout the rest of the day, pausing only for bathroom breaks and when food was needed.

As night approached, people were already either asleep or starting to pass out. Among those passed out were Cloud, Pyrrha, Ruby, Yang, and surprisingly Ren. Cloud and Pyrrha had fallen asleep together on Cloud's bed and no one had the heart to wake them. Ruby was holding onto Reno in her sleep. Reno also didn't have the heart to wake Ruby up, so he carefully brought Ruby to his bed as he would sleep on the couch. But that plan went out the window as Ruby didn't let go. Soft murmurs of stay were heard from the youngest team leader's mouth. Reno decided to comply with Ruby's demands and stayed with her. Blake and Weiss carefully moved Yang so she was on the couch. Blake darted into Team RWBY's dorm to snag a blanket to cover Yang. Weiss had found Yang's pillow on the floor and put it under her head while Blake draped the blanket over the blonde. Aerith had grabbed the blanket and Reno's pillow off the ground and handed them to the redhead before going back to Zack's side. Jaune went to get Ren's pillow and blanket while Nora adjusted Ren to fit on the couch.

"Well, since everyone else is here, we might as well join them and make it a huge sleepover!" Nora says not too loudly, as to not wake those who slumber.

"Well, we could get the couch from our dorm so that one more person didn't have to sleep on the floor," Weiss says.

"Nora and I can get it for you," Zack says. Weiss nods and leads Nora and Zack to the RWBY dorm so the two could grab the couch and bring it in. Jaune, in the meantime, went to grab the rest of the bedding from the Team JNPR dorm. He was surprised to see that Weiss was insisting on Blake using the couch.

"I need to get used to not as nice sleeping conditions. So please Blake, take the couch. I'll sleep on the floor," Weiss says. Blake finally gives in, figuring that having the heiress sleep on the floor might bring her icy attitude down a notch and make her more humble. Blake curls up on the couch with her blanket and pillow. Weiss, Jaune and Nora then get as comfortable as they could on the floor. Zack turns off the lights and easily makes his way back over to his and Aerith's bed.

"Night guys!" Zack says to those who were awake still. He got a few goodnights in return and soon enough all of the teens fell asleep, safe and sound in Team ZARC's room. Any thoughts about the Remnants and the inner circle vanished from Team ZARC's minds and instead, happy dreams replace those thoughts. 

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