Chapter 10 - Regret

Start from the beginning

"A twenty minute bag skate because the 5 year old throws a temper tantrum. What an ass." I heard a voice say. The guys walked in, shooting me mean looks. I just put my head in my hands to avoid eye contact. Coach walked in shortly after.

"Well boys, we play Chicago tonight. Bring your A game. Ryan, my office please." He said. I got up and kept my head down, not wanting to make eye contact, because I didn't need a part two to my break down. I walked into Coach's office and stood there for a moment as he took a seat.

"Have a seat Ryan." He said. I listened and sat down. There was silence for a moment before he spoke again. "That little tantrum you threw, wasn't from having a bad practice. That was from something else. You were fine 2 days ago. What happened between then and now? I want the truth. If you lie, your done for the back to back. Tell me what sparked that." He said. I couldn't lie. I had to tell him. I wasn't going to miss 2 games because of a lie.

"Can it stay in this room?" I asked.

"As long as its the truth, you and I are the only ones who need to know." He said. At least he was accommodating. I took a deep breath and spoke up.

"I upset my girlfriend last night. I lied to her, and I don't know if she'll forgive me." The knot in my chest was almost forcing me to hold back tears. Having to repeat the events of last night killed me.

"We won't go into anymore detail. I believe you. But Ryan, another one of these, and you won't have the chance to explain, got it?" I nodded. "Now I expect you to play your best tonight, and if I were you, I'd patch things up with this girl." He said. I nodded and walked back out to the locker room, avoiding eye contact still, and making my way out to the parking lot. I leaned against Taylor's truck and looked at my phone. A blank home screen. No missed calls or texts. Against my better judgment, I decided to call Ashley, I only prayed that she would answer.

Ashley's POV

The world takes as much as it gives. I found that out the hard way last night. I didn't know what to think when it came to Ryan now. I trusted that boy with anything, and now I don't know. I woke up at noon the next day. I didn't have anything to wake up for. It feels like it did 2 months ago. Before I came here. Before Ryan. Just a sea of loneliness.

I checked my phone, hoping to see that Ryan had at least texted me, but the lock screen was blank, only a picture of Ryan and I. I immediately threw my phone down. I figured that I was just another one of his flings. He could have any girl he wanted. I could see why he would just cast me aside. I got up to go to the bathroom, still worried that last night is the last time I was going to see Ryan. Looking at myself, I was a complete mess. My eyes were bloodshot, my hair was going in every direction, and I had bags under my eyes. I looked as horrible as I felt. I walked out of the bathroom and heard my phone ring. I dashed over to see Ryan was calling. My brain told me to walk away, but my heart told me to answer it. I decided that my heart was the way to go this time.

"Hello?" I answered, not wanting to sound like I wanted to talk to him, but in my heart, I was dying to hear his voice again.

"Hey, Ashley. It's Ryan."

"Oh. Hi, Ryan."

"Look, i'm not gonna beat around the bush. I need to see you. I have a lot of explaining to do. I'm just hoping you'll understand." He said. I heard it in his voice. He wanted to be forgiven. He knew he was wrong. I couldn't turn him down. But I still needed him to know I was still upset.

"Ok, Ryan. When and where?"

"The little coffee shop on Main Street at 1:30." He said. He sounded so deflated. He must have felt bad about this.

"Ok, Ryan. I'll be there. I'll see you soon." I told him.

"Alright. Bye, Ashley."

"Bye, Ryan." I hung up. I owed him the chance to explain himself, if anything. I didn't really give him that last night. Honestly, I wanted to see him again. As long as I know he didn't cheat on me, I'd give the world to be with him again. I guess everyone deserves a second chance.

Ryan's POV

I was able to calm down a bit when Ashley agreed to meet me. I knew I wasn't off the hook, but it was a step in the right direction. I had a little time to get ready, so I put on a collared shirt and dress pants, that way at least I would be ready to head to the game tonight. I quickly headed out, trying to figure out how to word an apology.

I got to the coffee shop at 1:25. I was starting to get really nervous. I had so many doubts in my mind, that I wasn't sure if I was going to say the right thing. I shook my doubts and tried to stay positive. I got a table for 2 at the back of the shop and waited. 1:30 on the dot, the door opened, and a beautiful looking Ashley walked through the door. She was appallingly stunning. A smile emerged for me as she turned towards my direction. She saw me and walked over. She didn't really smile. She still must have been upset, and I don't blame her.

"Hey, Ashley. How are you?" I asked, really awkwardly. There isn't really any way to start off a conversation after an argument correctly.

"I'm ok." She said. This wasn't going to be easy. I was mentally freaking out. I figured it was like ripping off a band-aid. No matter what, its going to hurt, but the quicker the better. I took a deep breath, collecting my thoughts.

"Look, I didn't drag you out here to say hi. I asked you to come so I could apologize and explain myself." I said. I was shaking. My palms were sweating.

"I was hoping so. I'm sorry I didn't give you that chance last night." She said.

"Don't be sorry for anything. I completely understand, and I deserved it." I said back.

"No you didn't. No one does. Especially you." She said.

"Last night I did. But, I do want to explain myself. I just hope you'll understand."

"Ok. The floor is yours."

"The reason I lied to you was because I didn't want to go last night. I hate dressing up, and I was never a fan of Halloween. I didn't want to hurt you, so I faked being sick. As for what I did after, yes we went to a strip club. Yes, I decided to stay there. But I did not get a dance or anything like that. Taylor can confirm that. So, again, I am so sorry for not being honest with you, and I won't blame you if you don't forgive me." I explained. The knot came back, and I was holding back tears again. She stood up and walked over to my side. I wasn't sure what was going to happen. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I forgive you." She said. I was so relieved. I hugged her back. We parted as she sat back down. "Ryan, just please, from now on, tell me if something bothers you. If you don't want to do something, I won't be upset, ok?"

"I promise." I told her. She smiled and took my hands in hers.

"Do you want to go back to your house?" She asked with an endearing smile.

"That sounds perfect." I said, walking out of the shop and back to my truck. "What about your car?" I asked.

"It'll be fine. You're all I care about right now." She said flirtatiously. I wrapped my arm around her. We drove back to the house shortly after. I decided to take a pre-game nap, and there was no one better to share a bed with than Ashley. We cuddled in bed together until we both fell asleep. I still couldn't believe it. I got my girl back.

Author's Note.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! By the way, I finally got my laptop back! Updates will come out way more often now. Anyway, next chapter out in the next 24 hours!

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