"No, Luv, we may have a big problem." He related the briefing and Tara was too stunned to reply. "Finish with the list, and make sure your inquiries cannot be traced back." Bobby knew she would, she was the best.

"Did I hear what I think I did? That the killer may be their missing agent?" Myles wasn't impressed when Bobby nodded. "No wonder Allistair is shaky. The sniper could be one of their own. Can we trust the CIA?"

"Myles, forget about trusting them. How do you stop a rogue CIA agent who knows all the tricks in the book? He will never go for the decoys."

"We rewrite it, Bobby, and don't show it to the CIA. Except..." Myles began pacing. "We would be doing exactly what we tried to prevent the CIA from doing."

"We have no choice. If we are right about the killer, their lives are already in serious jeopardy."


Allistair knocked early on Bobby and Myles' door.

"Come in, mate."

"Anything from the sniper angle?" asked Allistair.

"Tara said no one on the list fits the profile." Bobby had to give the guy some credits, he had regained his composure and he kept it. "So, you want to share something?" Bobby crossed his arms over his chest.

"While investigating Carter we came across an ex-sniper. If he is who I believe he is, he is very good, which makes him very dangerous."

"Is that so? Does he have a name?" Bobby was an excellent poker player.

"No. We will set the plan in motion and take extra precautions. We will go to the resort. Hudson will phone the Thomas to let them know that you, Agent Manning, will pick the car with their luggage, either late tonight or tomorrow. Hudson will have to make up an excuse...bad communication and something...to explain why they suddenly disappeared again. He will tell the Thomas, that he and his lov—"

Bobby frowned at him.

"He and his wife," corrected Allistair. "Will be staying for a few days at a charming bed and breakfast to relax from the latest events before returning to DC. You will drive the car there and drop everything to the lookalikes, before seemingly returning to DC."

"And you will have that bed and breakfast under surveillance?" surmised Bobby.

"Correct," said Allistair. "The killer will most likely want to strike before they return to DC, afraid the Pierce's killing may jog their memory. And we will catch him...at no risk to your agents."

"I may be missing something, here, but how will the killer know where to find the fake Jack and Sue?" asked Myles, speaking for the first time since Allistair arrived. He was seated comfortably in a big chair, his feet over the side of the bed.

"I am counting on him to monitor the Thomas. After all, that's where your agents were last seen and eventually Hudson's wife would want to contact her parents to reassure them. Any more question?"

Bobby and Myles avoided looking at each other.

"As you can see, we have everything under control," said Allistair. "Shall we go for breakfast?"


Allistair couldn't set up the lookalikes before late that evening, so Jack told his in-laws that Bobby would be dropping by tomorrow. They bought Jack's story about a misunderstanding. They were relieved that Sue, Jack and the baby were fine and a quick chat with Sue on her new blackberry settled their fear.

Afterwards, Bobby asked for some privacy, as he wanted to talk about their coming wedding with Jack.

Over breakfast, Allistair had assured him no listening devises or cameras were planted in the suite.

Targets (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now