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"It was a bad decision gone wrong, but it wasn't my fault."


It was a bad decision gone wrong. He found it amusing, how his life was a contradiction of itself.

He was living, but he died long ago. He is so depressed, but still gives real smiles. He can take care of people he loves, but his own health starts depleting. He can be so skeptical on the inside, but still look on the bright side. He can put himself in every single near death situation and feel completely alive.

This he finds amusing while on the inside he's crying.

How did he arrive at this point? Standing there, staring, breathing, waiting. Yet he's crumbling to the ground, eyes closing, breaths slowing, finally getting what he's always wanted.

At sixteen he wanted freedom. That's exactly what he was given, but he didn't want this. It was a nightmare yet his long-time dream.

He wasn't like how he remembered. When he used to be truly happy. Now he looks as if the light had been ripped out of his soul. He could see the difference in his eyes, his smile, actions, words, even his thoughts.

Once again something had been taken from him, and this time it was himself.

The world he was living in is now a cruel pit of gray. No color, sound, life, people, nor light. Just rubble, silence, shadows, death, and darkness.

The life he was living before had now taken a one eighty degree degree turn.

He used to be able to take a moment out of the day just to relax, but not anymore. Now he is on edge twenty-four-seven, always moving and never resting.

It is now that he wishes for his normal life because back then he only had to run when necessary, but instead of normal situations, he's running for his life, scared out of his mind, and senses on high alert.

He couldn't believe that he ever wished to trade his "boring" life for an "exciting" one in the first place.

Author's Note

Hey hi how it go?

Haven't even on Wattpad for practically ever.

I actually kinda miss this place.

Even the disgusting romance fanfics, and that's saying something.

Alright, so about this short story.

It's pretty short.

I wanted to make it into a full length novel, but I wrote it Summer of 2016.

So, I suppose the novel ain't happening any time soon.

I hope you enjoyed the short entry, though.

I hope one day I can come back to this and make it into something bigger.

Until next time,

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