Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

It was all too soon. I quickly stuck my hand out and smiled, realizing I was just standing and staring. "Hello, I'm Destiny. You're Carl Walked, right?" I finally asked.

Carl whispered goodbye to the person in his earpiece and shook my hand firmly. He nodded but still looked confused on why I was here.

"Yes, I am Carl Walker." He pulled his hand away. "I'm guessing you're here for a meeting... But I was actually leaving and wasn't having any more meetings until tomorrow. I would be happy to resched--"

"No! I mean, I'm not a client here for a meeting," I sighed, my hands becoming sweaty as the seconds went by. I wiped them on my jeans and continued, "I actually came here to talk to you about someone."

He looked at me for a few seconds before shaking his head. His eyes seemed to go wide for a few seconds before falling back to its normal size.

"I have a meeting right now so you'll have to call my number and schedule an appointment," he told me, handing me a small, light blue business card, and walking away.

He has a meeting? But I thought he didn't have any until tomorrow...

"Look, I won't be long. I just want to ask you something," I pleaded, following closely behind him. I don't know why he was even lying about it. I mean, first he has no meetings and suddenly one comes up? I dub it as bullshit.

"I'm sorry, Destiny," he said, causing me to sigh. "But unless you have an important appointment that's scheduled, I can't talk with you at the moment." He told me gently.

"B-But this is important. It's about--" I started to explain when I was cut off rudely.

"I have to get going now, bye." He started to walk off and I started to call him back when Blake stopped me. I turned to meet Blake's eyes and he gave me the "let it go" look.

I sighed before turning back around and walking off. Blake walked next to me and we headed back to the car. I climbed in the backseat and tossed my head back into the leather head rest in frustration.

That was my one and only chance to find out where Anthony was and I've got nothing. I came to him empty handed and left--you've guessed it--empty handed!

Blake intertwined our fingers, calming me down a bit, and Meagan suddenly turned to us, "I think I saw Carl... But only for a split second." She said.

Her hazel-blue eyes looked between Blake and I. Her sandy brown hair was pulled up into a messy bun and there was a few curly strands falling into her face as she leant over the seat.

"We did too," I told her, watching her weirdly which probably creeped her out.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded. "Did you talk to him? Did he tell you anything?"

"I talked to him but he just shut me down," I frowned. "It was weird but I'm gonna probably call and schedule an appointment."

"When he looked at me his eyes kinda went big and he froze up a bit, looking like he saw a ghost or something," Meg explained in awe as her chin rested on her knuckles. "But then he got into a car similar to Blake's except his was silver."

It was now my turn to go, "Really?", and she nodded. She stared at me as I grew deeper and deeper into my thoughts.

Why was Carl acting so weird? When I told him my name he just suddenly went weird on me. He lied about going to a meeting and now, Meg tells me he did the same with her (minus the actual talking).

But I wonder why he did that... Does he know anything about Anthony? No... He couldn't have. All I told him was a name and never told him what I wanted to talk about. That was, because he cut me off, ever so rudely!

He seemed to be in such a rush after all of that and I just knew something was up. Or, he really did have a business meeting. Whatever it was, he was acting weird.

Meg was still staring at me and waiting for me to speak, and for a second there, she reminded me of someone. I don't know who, but she did.

Her hazel eyes and sandy brown hair. Her naturally curly hair that she always kept flat ironed, but always curled up again. She had a small dimple on her left cheek and was always so interested in anything and everything someone was talking about.

"That's weird," was all I said. She nodded in agreement before turning back to sit down. She started the car up and pulled away from the curb.

"What y'all wanna eat?" She asked over the music. Blake and I didn't say anything so Tay suggested the buffet.

And Old Country Buffet didn't seem like a bad idea. Especially since I was still trying to recover from the chicken Tay had cooked yesterday night...


We paid and found a booth to sit at. I slid into the inside of the booth and let Blake sit next to me. Meg and Tay took seats in front of us and we talked for a few minutes before growing an appetite for the delicious foods scattered around the restaurant.

I made me a plate and headed back to the table, feeling like eating my problems away.

(Even though the weight gained very slowly upon me...)

"Dang, girl," Tay looked amused as he watched me eat. "The food ain't going no where anytime soon. Slow down."

"Yeah it is," I smiled sarcastically, food hanging from my lips. "It's going in the trash if I don't eat it before it grows cold..."

"These mashed potatoes are so good and this fried chicken ain't as black as that piece of disappointment we ate yesterday." I teased Tay about it, and he replied with his middle finger.

After dinner, we headed home and I headed to bed.

It was late at night and I was laying on my back in my bed. The fluffy comforter felt soft over my bare shoulders, arms, and legs. I was in my usual sleepwear: a tank top and shorts. I stared up at the ceiling with my tight belly, still full from all the desert, food, and drinks today, and began to think.

Carl suddenly entered my mind and I tried to replay what had happen back in my head, but with it going the way I planned.

I thought about how it actually went, which only made me get more irritated, and turned on my side.

His blue eyes were soft but held a lot of suspicions he seemed to be hiding from me. His sandy brown hair was in small natural curls and when he smiled he had a single dimple on his right cheek.

It reminded me of...


I sat up quickly with my back against the cold headboard and my eyes wide.

Meagan looked so much like Carl Walker...

The hair. The eyes. The single dimple when smiling... It all made perfect sense.

Carl is Meagan's dad!

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