Tyler wasn't that weirded out. well of course he was, who could've expected Brendon to moan at him. it was very weird if he thinks about it more. but that wasn't what he thought of. he thought more about the fact that he just watched Brendon almost hyperventilating, and what he did after clearly was supposed to be a cover up. that was weird. Brendon is weird but now in a different way than before. 

anyhow he couldnt bring himself to care that much. after all he didnt know Brendon, like at all and the one thing he knew, or thought he knew was that Brendon was an ass and a troublemaker. so that was that. 

when the bell ringed and finally let him try to open his locker again, he almost startled when Brendon jumped up as if his life depended on it. he was the first one to stand. for a few seconds Tyler watched him gather his things, even shaking the slightest. tho he didnt question it and finally got up himself. when he got all his many things he was forced to take with him, he walked out of the class. for a moment he stood in the hallway searching through his mind for his locker location. 

he looks up and sees a big sign that says 'YOUR ATTITUDE DETERMINES YOUR DIRECTION' in bright colors. he remembers it because when he stood infront of his locker before he looked up and saw it hanging about his head causing him to cringe for a quick moment. 

sigh. the hallway wasnt that crowded anymore when he made his way over to his locker. he sat his backpack down in-between his ankles and got the paper with the combination out. another sigh. he moved his two fingers over the lock. it didnt work. again. no success. he cursed to himself and would've thrown a tantrum by now. he tried again. as it still didnt work he hit the locker with the palm of his hand.

he turned his head left and right when he saw a familiar face rushing down the hallway, eyes glued to the floor and a pained expression, he seemingly tried to suppress. Tyler sighed again. 

"Brendon..?"Tyler croaked out and stopped him right when he was passing by. 


Brendon stopped just like his heart for a mere second. he was on his way to the bathroom hoping to get there before he broke down. he hated having anxiety attacks and breakdowns in school. well thats normal no one liked that. his eyes already were close to tears. but he catches his breath and himself to respond. he only turned his head making his profile visible to Tyler. "yes?" he asked quietly trying not to stutter. 

he could see Tylers eyebrows furrow from the corner of his eye. "um can you help me?" Tyler asked getting Brendons full attention. he finally turned fully and looked at Tyler who pointed at his locker he was standing next to. Brendon understood quickly and nodded hesitantly. he made his way towards the locker he was standing a few steps away from. he held his hand out for the paper. 

Tyler looked down at the, in the slightest, trembling hand. his bottom lip got squeezed by his teeth as he handed him the combination. Brendon took it and moved his hand up turning the wheel on the lock, gave it a strong push and opened it with ease. Tyler watched and made internal notes when Brendon gave him the paper back. "thank you." he said. all he got in respond was what you barely could call a nod.

finally Brendon was about to make his way to the bathroom. finally being able to release the tears he's been holding back. finally releasing the air he's been holding in. but Tyler held him back with a soft 'uhh' making him stay on the spot. Tyler didnt continue for a while. Brendon just stood there expecting more, waiting to be let go. 

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