Luke called me like, fifteen minutes ago, saying that he's bored. He asked if he could come so we could hang out and I told him it's okay. But, now that he's here, we both realised that if we don't want Ashton to see him, he has to come in through my bedroom window.

''I know.'' he suddenly exclaimed, ''I'll use this bench.''

He went and pulled the small bench so it was standing just below my window. He was lucky that it wasn't that high and that he was incredibly tall, or else he would have a big problem getting up here.

Luke somehow managed to climb up and as his feet planted themselves to the floor od my room, I sighed in relief.

Luke gave me that cheeky grin of his and then captured me in a hug.

''So, what's up?''

Being in his arms again felt like I was indeed in heaven and there was no doubt in it. I'm sure his tee shirt had stains of my crocodile tears on it, because I wouldn't stop sobbing and it soon went into hyperventilating.

''Hey, Harls, calm down.'' Luke soothed. ''It's okay. Breathe, baby, breathe.''

I don't know how, but somehow, he managed to calm me down and stop me from hiccuping like a maniac. At last, we settled on my bed, me snuggled into his safe arms. My breathing had returned to normal as I listened to the sound of his steady heartbeat. That calmed me down.

''Luke?'' my voice came out sudden and hoarse, as if I hadn't spoken in days, not hours or minutes.

''Yes, baby?'' he asked, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I sighed shakily. ''Tell me what really happened.''

I guess he understood what I was on about, as he exhaled deeply. ''Harley, do you not believe me? Why would I lie to you, you're literally everything to me, love. I told you, maybe you don't feel the same, but I love you, little penguin.''

I love you. Those words echoed in my head as if they were going through a tunnel. Like a broken record, they wouldn't stop repeating themselves over and over.

Luke loves me.

Not Avery, not anyone else. Me.

I felt content. I felt as if a piece of my heart that's been missing had finally been given back to me, glued back into its place.

'Luke?'' I called again, my voice quiet.

Luke hummed in response as I looked up so our eyes met. ''All this time... how that you never called me that?''

Luke looked confused.

''Called you what?''

''Little penguin. '' I answered. ''It's your nickname for me.''

Luke smiled softly. ''You said that you don't like it when I call you that, remember? I promised I wouldn't use it again.''

I smiled as well.

I remember being mad at him because he called me that. I thought he was making fun of me and I made him promise to not call me that. He did.

But, subconsciously, I loved it when he called me that. It was something between us, something that only the two of us shared. Something personal. And I guess I missed him calling me that.

''But, I do.'' I told him truthfully. ''I love that nickname.''

Luke quirked an eyebrow at me, as if questioning me if I'm sure. I only looked down at my hands, shyly.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now