Supergirl ~ Dark Side of the Moon ~ Part Three

Start from the beginning

"As you may know, Zor-El and I came up with a plan to save Kara during the dark days before Krypton's destruction," Alura explained. "We didn't know that Argo could survive, and so we put Kara, our only child, into a pod and we sent her to Earth. Its people took her in. They saved her. And in exchange, she serves the people of her adopted home. She's a hero that embodies our greatest ideals. But unfortunately, Kara was not the only Kryptonian to travel to Earth."

"A Worldkiller followed," Kara nodded.

"You must forgive our skepticism," a dark-skinned man in slate grey and silver frowned. "You've been away a long time. Here on Argo, Worldkillers are the stuff of children's stories."

"I, too, was hesitant to believe that such a thing could be real, but I faced it," Kara told him. "She is real, and she calls herself Reign. I traveled here from across the stars because I could not defeat her myself. And Earth is in grave danger."

"An unfortunate situation if true," the dark-skinned woman nodded. "But how can Argo be of help?"

"Indeed," the man nodded. "We are a recovering city, still limping from the trauma of destruction. We can't communicate outside our protective dome, let alone send troops or aid beyond its border."

"It isn't troops we need," Kara shook her head.

"Then what is it you seek?" the woman tilted her head.

Kara looked at Alura, who nodded encouragingly, and she took a deep breath. "A gift of Harun-El."

All of the councilors except Alura looked shocked at her request.


"Any sign of the suspect?" Alex asked.

"All's quiet down here," J'onn looked around as he jogged. "But I'm completely exposed, so if he's gonna strike, the time is now."

Alex gritted her teeth in annoyance, she and Slade scoping the area around them. "Come on," she grumbled. "Where are you?"


"You would have us give away our most precious resource, our only lifeline, to an alien species?" the man in grey demanded.

"The people of Earth share our ideals," Kara insisted. "They're more like us than you realize."

"Or perhaps you've become more like them than you realize," the man retorted.

"With all due respect, Councilman, the danger currently facing Earth is of Kryptonian making," Alura interjected sharply.

"And I need not remind you, Alura, that Krypton is dead," the councilman scowled. "Argo City is all that remains."

"And yet the sins of Krypton live on in this Worldkiller," Alura countered. "Can you abide this as our legacy?"

"This council does not concern itself with legacy," he shook his head. "Only survival."

"And what is the point of survival if there's no soul to save?" Alura argued.

"I agree with Jul-Us," the councilwoman in white said. "His position is wise and thoughtful."


"Status check?" Alex finally asked.

"No sign of your suspect," J'onn shook his head.

"I've got something," Dig suddenly said. "Northwest, baseball hat."

Slade and Alex swiveled to see. "Yeah," Alex confirmed, looking through her lens. "I see it." It was definitely a man with a rifle aiming down at J'onn.

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