Fallen Down

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Frisk screamed as she fell and fell deeper into unknown darkness. She saw glowing yellow plants before her until she landed right on them and had air knocked out of her lungs.



. . . Frisk's eyes opened, then got up from a lit ground full of yellow flowers.

The flowers rustled as she walked through them. Half of them were destroyed once she was continuing on into the next room. She stopped in front of another lit spot on the grassy ground into the next area. It was just as dark, but more around every corner, as the previous room. She gasped and stopped abruptly in her tracks as a yellow flower popped up out of the ground.

His smile seemed strained, but friendly nonetheless.


"Hi, yeah, um... I'm Frisk." She muttered nervously, not knowing what to do.

"Hmmm... You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?" 


"Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!"

"I suppose so! Woah!" She gasped as her red soul exited out through her chest.

"See that heart? That is your-" Immediately, Flowey was distracted by six other kids suddenly running into the dark room where Flowey and Frisk were having their first conversation.

"W-What? Who are they? Ugh, I don't have time for this! Bye." He dove back into the ground. The six kids looked at Frisk in shock. Before Frisk could ask them any questions, the purple-souled child touched her right on the forehead. Once they left their hand off her head, she fell backwards onto what felt like a pair of arms.

Then, everything went black.

The Beginning Of The End(1st Part Of The Undertale Series)Where stories live. Discover now