Chapter one : roller coasters candy floss and sass

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I couldn't help but laugh at my 12 year old sister Emily's scream as our cab of the roller coaster (that mil had been begging me to Takeuchi her on forever) plummeted down a death drop. I personally hated roller coasters ...with a passion. But it was mils birthday four days ago and with me being at musical theatre camp I wasn't able to celebrate with her so, coming to the theme park is my little gift to her .

I let out a sigh of relief as the coaster grinder to a stop . it had been hell with god knows how many loops and plunges. Emily however's light brown eyes were gleaming , her thick dirty blond hair windswept and back combed , she actually a lot like Bridget jones from Bridget joneses diary . I couldn't help but giggle at her manic look . her head snapped round to me with a crazy glint in her eyes "again ?" She pleaded "ohhhh no" I told her between giggles , "I actually need the bathroom," I said then with one look at her brown puppy dog eyes I said "then we can get candy floss" "YASSSSSSSS!" Mil shrieked I rolled my eyes at my overconfident sibling . when I was twelve . Hell i couldn't even speak to the ice cream man with out blushing . "Yeah, yeah " I said "but first I need to pee."

When we arrived at the bathroom Emily said she would stay outside and wait as she didn't need to go. so after quickly relieving myself I took the time to inspect myself in the mirror my grey/blue eyes stared back at me, my eyeliner had run a little bit from my eyes watering on one of the death drops on that awful roller coaster. S
o I pulled out my trusty "eye make up correction pen" (a/n this is a real thing and it's AMAZEBALLS) next I briefly examined my dark brown hair ,

I was just putting it back up into a pony tail when I was rudely disturb-"RAYNE are you COMING I'm so HUNGRY " i sighed "coming" she had her sass on " just remember who's paying !!!" "MOM AND DAD" she cheekily replied "I chuckled while walking out of the bathroom "lets go get some candy floss then! "

Helooo my little pickles

so this us my first story so please be nice or THE PICKLE GOD WILL DEPRIVE YOU OF HIS PICKLE GOODNESSSS !!!!!

any who if I are reading this BIG THANK YOU and if any of you guys make book covers please let me know and also I need help with the awful title 😂😂😂 so pm (personal message for you new watt panders out there😝🌸😝🌸) me guys and if you can help and if you just want to talk to someone totally insane

So bye guys and have some virtual candy


Oh and picture at the side is Emily . I can't put another picture in on there sadly . but I'll try and put it in in the next few chapters sooooooo..... BYE

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