Chapter Twenty-Six: Mixing It Up

Start from the beginning

    Emily, the other Emily, Ben, and the kids burst into applause. Emily mouthed, "Great job", giving me a thumbs up.

    Rob and the two songwriters consulted on my performance and had me sing it twice more before they were satisfied. I grinned happily and moved so that Meryl Streep and the rest of the cast could fit in the booth to sing "Turning Turtle".

    I enjoyed the song immensely. Singing was really my forte, and while I don't mean to brag, I had the best voice out of the entire cast.

    Recording the songs was great fun. Like predicted, Joel forgot his lines more than once and caused us to repeat songs several times. Emily and I pretended to be annoyed, but I couldn't hold my pseudo-stern face for very long and burst into laughter. Joel would join me, and soon the whole cast would be laughing.

    Rob was not amused.

    Joel was reprimanded by the director, but the second Rob turned, he sent a silly grin towards his 'siblings', who giggled silently.

    My parenting skills and sense of humor warred - wait, no they didn't. I was a prankster at heart. I gave Joel a thumbs-up.

    Emily rolled her eyes again.

    "Careful," I whispered. "Don't roll them too hard, or they'll fall out."

    She forewent the eye-rolling and smacked me.

    As I sat out - fled, really - to watch Emily, Joel, Pixie, and Nathanael record "Can You Imagine That?" I reminisced on a scene from my memories just a few years ago. Recording the Hamilton soundtrack held some of my most favorite memories, and just remembering them brought up a wistful smile. Hamilton had arguably been the best thing to ever happen to me; making lifelong friends, welcoming my son, and falling in love.

    Those thoughts seemed almost prophetic as Ben started recording "A Conversation". It was so like my last few months with Vanessa, and a few tears slipped down my cheeks.

    Emily noticed and embraced me. "She's watching over you always," she said quietly.

    I didn't try to hide my tears. "I know."

    Sometimes human rays of sunshine need each other.

*  *  *  *

    Later that night, I brooded in my room. Groff had flown up to visit me and take Sebastian a few days ago, so I was missing my little man - both of them.

    My phone dinged with a text from Pippa. It read, "Ant's leaving Ham tonight. i know you cant come, but txt him!"

    I smiled sadly. Pippa and Leslie had departed Hamilton not long after me and Groff, with others not so long after. My original cast was slowly closing that chapter of their lives. All that was left was Anthony, Chris, and Jazzy. The other two left next month.

    The time there was in between the first and second shows, so I called him.

    "Yo, Lin!" Anthony laughed. "What's up, man?"

    His playful voice made me smile. "Nothing much, dude," I said. "Recorded some songs today."

    "Songs?" Anthony asked quizzically. "You writing another musical without telling me?"

    As if. "You wish," I retorted.

    "Fine, then," Anthony said amusedly. "What is it? A Hamilton mixtape?"

    "No, no..." I froze and my voice trailed away. My mind raced. A Hamilton mixtape? No way. "Anthony, you're a genius!" I yelled.

    "Ouch!" Anthony complained. "Had that right next to my ear. Don't do that, Linguini. But yeah, I know. Just tell Jazzy that - she always rolls her eyes when I say it."

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