"Well sir- whoever you are, I'm not the only one who wants her home, her brother wants to see her and has been worried for her and has been searching as well. He wants them to talk before the day of his wedding with the lovely Hope, so I am here to take her. So not only I, Prince Andrew Streak from the Stride Kingdom wants her back, but as well as her brother, Prince Daniel Light of the fallen Haven Kingdom. If I were you then, I'd back up boy and get out of here. Oh and also, I have been taking care of her damn cat for her while she's been away and I don't even like cats.", Andrew says and then sidesteps around him so that he can have a clear view of me. Pluto! How could I forget about him! He must miss me. Poor boy had to deal with such a nuisance such as Andrew.

I sigh knowing I'd have to see my brother sooner or later, as well as my cat, it's better to see them before I go on the mission anyway. Who knows what the outcome will be from that so I should see them at least one more time. I look to Lucy for a second to see him looking at me questioningly at what I was going to decide to do.

"Fine, I'll go to see my brother, but I have one request or I won't go." I demand with the obvious sound of annoyance in my voice.

"Anything my princess.", Andrew says, smiling at me almost as if he won. I shiver in response when he calls me that. Lucy calling me princess is one thing, when Andrew does it, it just feels wrong. Time to turn that smile upside down you jerk and snap you back to reality

"Lucifer comes with me, no if, ands, or buts about it. Wherever I go, he's going with me with no questions asked. Me and him are partners and friends so don't treat him like some low life, got it or you might get slapped again." I say looking at Andrew with a piercing gaze of my own. Lucifer makes a sound like he choked for a second and starts coughing, it seems to have shocked him quite a bit at my request. Andrew's face on the other hand was full of rage and then looks toward Lucy with hatred in his eyes.

"Fine. He can go, but you will have to answer your brother on why he is there with you." Andrew says then walks around us, and sits on the porch swing. "You two have ten minutes to get stuff packed and then we are leaving, so be quick. I'm already tired of being out here in the country area and want to go home."

I nod and pull Lucy inside and close the door giving him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about this, I guess I should have asked you first. I know this interrupts our plans, but please come too. I can't stand Andrew when he acts as if he owns me and I trust you more than I trust most people." I say looking at him pleadingly, he continues to give me a strange look as if he couldn't believe what I am asking. It's not like I've grown a second head, I just want company that won't make me want to strangle them.

"Okay I will, but you still gotta tell me about yourself because I don't want to hear from anyone else about you. Especially from that guy.", Lucy says pointing out a thumb towards the door symbolizing Andrew, "I want to know your connections with that guy as well.". I nod my head at his request and smile at him. I say thank you and start skipping up the stairs and into my room to pack my stuff.

^Lucifer's POV^

I watch as her hair swings from side to side as she skips to and up the steps. I chuckle to myself and start walking to my own room. She really can be adorable at times, I wouldn't mind having to be stuck by her side for a little longer, could be fun. Wait.... Quit it Lucifer, remember the plan, have her kill Lilith and then capture her, not only will I be seen as the hero of the kingdom, but as someone not to mess with. Who knows if I don't kill the girl, I could always make her my pet just like my father was before he escaped. Wouldn't be a bad idea either. If I have her with me then this stupid country would surrender themselves for a simple princess. I smile evilly to myself while I pack. This plan could truly work, the only problem is that she may not like me anymore after all of this, if she even does care about me now as it is. Oh well, that's just one problem to be forced to fix later, she'll have to like me if she wants any freedom. After I pack all my stuff, I walk out my room and down the stairs and out the door. Once outside, I feel Princey's glare at me.

"You know staring is rude? Weren't you taught any manners?" I say sarcastically as I lean on the wall. The guy just makes a humph sound and waits for Joann. Rich brat, just wait- you'll get what's coming to you soon enough. I'll have you begging for death just like the many people I tortured to even get information about this stupid princess.

Not much longer Joann comes out with a duffle bag, probably filled with essentials for who knows how long we will be gone. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that going could give me more information on the enemy as well as not losing track of Joann, I wouldn't ever want to go.

"So who are you riding with, Princey over there or me?" I ask when I walk up to her and take her bag so she wouldn't have to carry the heavy thing. Jeez, she really did pack a lot. We won't be gone for long, at least I hope anyway. Don't know if I'd be able to stand staying with so many royals for long. Just being near this damn prince makes me want to spill some blood. Joann looks grateful for me taking the bag, which only proves that she really is a strange princess if she appreciates this. She shouldn't even bat an eye for me doing this, most people like her would think I have to do it anyway since they are of royal blood. I'm not lower than them, but most people here would assume that at least. Makes having a low profile much easier as it is when they think like that.

"I'll go with you, last time I was on a horse with him I got tricked." Joann says. I notice Princey flinches for a second. Wonder what happened there, probably something stupid he said from how it seems. The guy definitely seems to be short on brain cells, but somehow he tricked Joann here. Now I know for sure, if he can trick her then I sure as hell can.

I nod and walk towards the black stallion that's tied by the fence post. I help Joann up and then undo the rope that's tied to the horse. Once that was done I hop on and have the horse trod towards the annoying prince. He was already on his horse, waiting for us. I have no clue how I'm going to be able to keep a low profile with him around. He makes me want to punch his face so much that I'd be thrown into their dungeon for harming a royal. Gods, he's lucky we are on his territory. If we were on my land he'd be dead by now with how egotistical he is when he has nothing to back up the reasoning for it.

"Lead the way, your highness." I say to him and hear Joann giggle sweetly as she holds onto me from behind. Man I could get used to her clinging to me. Holding her hostage once my plan is finished sounds better and better as the time goes by. I think to myself as I smile and follow the prince towards wherever it was we were going to. This stupid castle of his better at least be comfortable to stay at.


It seems that visions of the boy named Lucifer are happening more recently. I do worry for Joann due to how this boy seems slightly obsessive and how he wants to use her. I fear that with their continuations of interacting his obsessiveness will only worsen over time. This poor girl already doesn't know that the boy plans to backstab her as it is, but now it seems that he really is becoming possessive of her. He may actually kidnap her and have her caged from how his thoughts seem to be spiraling. I can only hope that over time his disastrous emotions disperse and maybe he will become a better person. It is highly doubtful though due to how he was raised. If he were to actually become a good person, it may as well be a miracle then.

I am still waiting for my dear friend to arrive. They are traveling from far away so I know it will take them some time to get here, but as these visions continue and become more frequent I worry that I will lose myself in them and not wake up. He should arrive here shortly though so I may not have to worry for much longer with him here. I choose to keep his name unknown until given permission to use it in case these files are ever discovered by others. I myself choose to not give much information about myself for privacy reasons, but may need to start disclosing information soon enough if these visions lead to memory loss. I can only hope that they will not for my mind is my greatest weapon and makes me who I am.

Falling LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora