Chapter 3; A New Friend

Start from the beginning

"Boo!" A man towered over me with hands outstretched, scaring the living daylights out of me. 

"AHH!" I screamed. The man started laughing at me. 

"...Lucas? What are you doing here? And stop laughing at me, I got shocked that's all!" I crossed my arms. 

"Ooh, how intimidating." Lucas chuckled. "Relax, Yuqi. I'm just here to ask you out." I choked on my own saliva. 

"A-ask me out? What the hell? You're crazy." I scoffed. We were attracting the attention of people in the hallway. They were either looking at Lucas with admiration, or glaring at me. I looked around. 

"Geez, relax guys. I'm not trying to steal your idol." I muttered under my breath. 

"So, what do you say Yuqi? Want to have dinner together tonight? My treat." He winked at me. I wanted to gag. 

"No thanks. I'm busy. Now, if you could excuse me," I turned on my heel and walked away. 

"Just you wait, Yuqi!" He called after me. Whatever. I thought.


"Hey Yuqi, over here!" Taehyung called out. I turned towards his voice and saw him waving his hands excitedly. I trotted over and put my books down. 

"Sorry for being late, I was held up by some idiot." I apologised. "I'll tell you all about it later, I'm going to go get some coffee first." I told him. 

"Sure!" He nodded.

15 minutes later

"...yeah, I don't know why so many girls swoon over him. He's so annoying!" I told Taehyung about the encounter with Lucas earlier. 

"He's good looking, sure, but his attitude is so bad. Maybe I would consider going out with him if he was more respectful to people. But it's probably never going to happen." I rolled my eyes. Taehyung nodded slowly. 

"Y-yeah... He has a bad attitude... You know what? Let's just start studying shall we?" He lets out a smile, which seemed very forced. I picked it up, and asked Taehyung. 

"Is there something wrong?" He shook his head. 

"Nothing. Okay, I'm going to study some chemistry first, what about you?" He dismisses my question. 

"Uh... okay. I'm studying some chemistry too, what chapter are you starting on?" I ask. I flipped open my textbook and started to study with Taehyung.


"Yeah, that's right. Only Zinc will react this way, because..." Taehyung was explaining to me an important concept when suddenly, my phone rang. 

"Excuse me," I told Taehyung apologetically and went outside to pick up the call.

"Yuqi, where are you? I hope you haven't forgotten about our important family dinner with the Wong family tonight! Get home soon alright? I've already picked an outfit for you." I grimaced. I completely forgot about the family dinner! Great. 

"Okay mom, I'll come home now." I hung up the phone and went back inside.

"Uh.. Taehyung? I need to go home right now. I forgot about an important family event I have to attend tonight." I told Taehyung, embarrassed. 

"Oh, no worries! I'll just see you tomorrow then?" He smiled. 

"Of course! I'm really sorry for having to leave so suddenly, I hope I can make it up to you tomorrow or something." I said, packing up all my books. 

"Okay, I really got to go now, bye!" I rushed out of the cafe. 

"Bye!" I heard Taehyung call after me.


I put on the dress my mother had prepared for me, just a simple black dress. I walked down to the main living room, which my mother had cleaned multiple times. The dining table was set with our most expensive cutlery. 

"They should be here anytime soon!" My mother gestured me to walk with her to the door to welcome the guests. Before long, the doorbell rang. My father opened the door, and bowed immediately. 

"Welcome, welcome! Please, do come in." My mother and I bowed repeatedly to the family as well, receiving bows in return. It was a family of three, with all of them dressed formally. Everyone was dressed in suits or in dresses, as it was quite a formal dinner. Just then, when the last person had walked in, I felt my breath get caught in my throat. Before I could stop myself, I exclaimed,

"What are you doing here?"

She Told Me To Dream, So I Did - LuQiWhere stories live. Discover now