Boom POW fireworks

Start from the beginning

You join Grayson in the living room again after getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a cute white button-up. Grayson also attempted to get dressed, but he had thrown on a T-shirt, jeans and possibly ran a brush though his hair once. Ethan eventually joined you guys as well, and ate some random snacks for breakfast. At one James showed up, 

"Hey sisters, who's ready to party!" he squealed holding a bottle of apple cider. He gave everyone a hug as usual, even though you and Grayson protested, insisting he didn't want the flu.

"I brought outfits for everyone, for our signature New Year's pics!" he exclaimed,

"Uh, that's great" you said not sure how you actually felt.

James brought out his outfits that he had decided on. Sequins was the pattern of the night, because he wanted everyone to wear them. He bought a gold sequin jumpsuit for himself, with a Gold sequin dress for you, which you were very worried about considering it was body con and you had been going heavy on the junk food. He had bought matching black V-neck sequin tops for the twins. You felt the same way Ethan looked- extremely scarred.

"I also plan on doing some cute makeup looks on us!" he says, looking at you, "Wow James, you put a lot of thought into this."

"I sure did sister!" he was immensely excited and between all three of you, neither Ethan Grayson or yourself could tell him how you actually felt about wearing matching sparkling outfits. They were certainly pretty, but more fashion forward than any of you had planned on wearing today.

Sister James drags you off into the guest house,

"Okay kitty! Go try it on!" He hands you the dress and ushers you off into the bathroom. The Dress was... expensive but certainly a little much for the small get together/ party we had planned. "Lets see it!" James calls through the bathroom door. You step out and James has his usual over the top reaction. "Oh. My. God." He gasps pulling you back into the bathroom and turning you to face the mirror, "You look absolutely stunning." James says pulling your hair back and out of your face. 

"Thanks James." You smile at him in the mirror, his compliment meant a lot to you but you couldn't help but shift uncomfortably with the sequins already irritating your skin, "Guess we better go back to the party." You say stepping away. James pulls your arm bringing you back,

"Do not tell me you plan on doing our new years photo shoot with not even a hint of makeup on?" He says exasperated as if he were scolding a toddler. Before you could respond he pulled out his bag of endless makeup products and starts touching up your face. Little touch ups turned into a full blown smoky eye with gold liner and falsies. Of course James didn't fail to make you feel beautiful, he was truly amazing at what he does.

"Now we go back to the party?" You smile playing with the chain around your neck.

"Not quite yet." James says digging into his back. What more could he possibly put on my face- You're thrown off when he bombards you with setting spray, literally drenching your face, "Now we wait for it to dry!" He says uselessly fanning your face with his hands.

You and James head back to the house and the first thing you do is dig into the pantry looking for some chips and dip. 

"Oh. NO. You. Dont." James stops your digging through the drawers. "I did not spend an hour perfecting your makeup for you to ruin it with food!"

"So you expect me to starve?" You ask and smile when you hear Ethan completely lose it.

James takes a deep breathe closing his eyes and counts to ten. It's a long awkward moment of you standing there literally not knowing what to do before he finally speaks again,

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now