The man looked at her, a bit surprised.

Ria smiled encouragingly.

"Ah, yes... Is this Miracle Seminary?" He asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"Uhm, I need to see Ms. Samantha Perez. It's urgent."


"I didnt know you live here." He commented.

"Ah, I haven't told you... sorry. The topic didn't pop up." She said.

"Yeah." Top said with a chuckle.

Top, just like when Sam was still staying at the hospital, has started giving frequent visits to the Miracle Seminary.

Frankly, Sam looks forward to these visits eventhough all they do is talk about the silliest things. She just felt very comfortable when he is around.

She smiled at him. "Thanks for visiting me today as well."

He grinned, and that was when she noticed it.

There was something different in Top.

And his eyes... They look so tired.

"...did something happened today?" Sam asked.

Top looked at her, smiled and slowly shook his head.

It wasn't exactly a 'no'. It was as if he wasn't denying something did happen but he was saying Sam shouldn't worry about it.

Sam frowned a bit.

"It's nothing really." Top said, catching her frown.

They went silent after that. But Top didn't seem to mind. It was as if he was perfectly contented just being there.

"By the way, Clarky finally learned how to play dead." Top suddenly said energetically.


"We have a guest?" Lee asked one of the maids as he heard laughters from the living room, coming from his study.

To say he was surprised was a bit of an understatement. Sam had not smile (not really), least laugh, since what happened.

"Yes..." the older woman said. "Sam's friend it seems."

Lee silently nodded and opened the door to the living room.


Both Sam and Top looked up when the door bell rang.

Sam was looking curious, but Top looked worried.

That was when the door to the back opened.

The two looked at the other direction instead. It was Lee.

Sam smiled and stood up.

"Top, I'd like you to meet my cousin, Lee." She said.

Top stood up as well offered a hand.

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