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If Yoongi was absolutely 100% honest, Jam Jam Cafe & Bakery absolutely sucked. Then why did he go there? He actually wasn't very sure himself. Maybe it was because it was the closest cafe to his little music studio, maybe it was because almost no one else ever visited the shop. This was good, because Yoongi tried his best to avoid any human contact, the last time he had talked to a friend had been almost 2 months ago, when he had been wishing his best friend, Namjoon, a happy birthday. Or maybe, just maybe, the reason he loved the quaint cafe so much was because of that barista who worked there on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday mornings, and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday afternoons. What was his name? Right, Hoseok.

There was just something about him that seemed to radiate peace, and happiness. Being in his presence made him want to lie down in the sunlight and sleep. And that beautiful heart-shaped smile that decorated his face whenever he smiled, along with those adorable dimples that made him want to do anything to keep the barista happy.

Even now, on his way to said cafe, he wasn't sure if he was going to see the cute barista or actually work on his music. The cluster of bells attached to the door fluttered, harmonising with the aforementioned boy's bright voice: "Welcome to Jam Jam Cafe and Bakery!" And when he walked up to the counter, "Can I take your order?" His smile was so bright, it was literally blinding.

"One iced americano and a large sugar cookie please," he said, flashing one of his rare gummy smiles. He was handed a buzzer, and went to sit down in the corner seat. Like always. Soon, his buzzer went off and he went to collect his food. Opening up his laptop, he clicked into the project he was currently working on, his new mixtape. Yoongi was a rapper that posted his songs on the internet by the name AgustD, not daring to actually perform the songs, although many fans wanted him to.

Plugging in his earphones, he began composing lyrics and making beats, just like he always did. Mumbling the lyrics under his breath as he wrote them, he took a sip of the drink he had ordered. Ew. He made a face. It was way to bitter for his taste. Yoongi didn't even like americano, he wasn't sure why he kept ordering it. Perhaps the cookie would balance it out? Taking a bite, he then remembered the need for the coffee. There was so much sugar on the cookie, it could NOT be good for his health.

The bells tinkled, signalling a new customer entering. Except, it wasn't just any old customer. He knew that black bob, the familiar Eco bag that she carried. It was a second-year university student, namely his sister, Yoonji. Shoot. What was she doing here? And who was that next to her... Namjoon? What- why- how? He needed some answers. Pulling his previously discarded cap back over his silver-blond hair, he ducked behind his laptop, trying his best to look immersed in his work. Following his little sister with his eyes, he watched as she walked up to the counter. And then, Hoseok... hugged her? What on Earth? So many questions were spiralling through his mind.

Yoongi watched as his sister ordered a strawberry cupcake and a chocolate milkshake. A bad choice, in his opinion. With Jam Jam, you never ordered two sweet items. So immersed in watching Yoonji, he forgot about Namjoon. Apparently he was a bit upset by that, since he decided to sneak up on him scare the living life out of Yoongi. At least, that was what happened from his point of view. Letting out a small shriek, he clutched onto the table, almost knocking over his drink.

"When did you get here? And what was that for?"

"You meet your beloved best friend for the first time in two months, and that's how you greet me? Honestly, I'm quite surprised you remember who I am."

That offended Yoongi. How could he forget Namjoon, the one he could never have survived school without? Literally?

"Anyways, you wanted to know why we're here. We were worried out about you, I thought it was pretty obvious. You've been missing for a few months now. Also, Yoonji has some pretty important news for you."

"Wait- what? No! She can't- I can't- not now!" Yoongi protested, but it was too late. The girl was already walking over to them. "Oh, shoot. Sugar. Um. Bye, Joon, see you around. I really gotta go." He stuffed his belongings back into his backpack, and made a mad dash for the door. He almost made it, almost, until he felt himself being dragged backwards by his bag. Dang it. Yoonji still worked out.

"Well, hello there, dear brother. I so appreciate the.. warm welcome you prepared for me back there."

"Huh? Brother? Er... sorry, yoon- ahem, miss, I think you've got the wrong person."

"Yoongi. Cut it. I'm not exactly in a joking mood, if you haven't noticed."

He sighed. There really was no way out of this now. Unless... Plan <Exit 134340 Save Yoongles>... nah, too risky. "Fine. It's me, your wonderful fabulous brother, you love me and missed me so much, yada yada, yeah. Anyways. Bye." He once again attempted to run away, only to be once again caught by sister. This time, she lugged him back to his seat, where Namjoon had been patiently waiting.

"Sit and stay."

"I'm not your dog. Plus, you should respect your elder-"

"I have a gun in my bag."

"Yes ma'am."

"Anyways. How have you been? Been a while since I saw you, eh? What... four years? Five years? Real nice of you to just disappear off like that, by the way. Worried us sick." At his sister's words, he felt a stab of guilt. He had left his family to fend for themselves against... him. And there had also been a matter of money, since he was basically useless. But Yoongi, never knowing how to tell people how he truly felt, in fear of rejection, and in fear of being weak, messed up again.

"Are you still salty about that? It was years ago!  And stop beating around the bush, I'm not here for chit-chat. And I know you don't like small talk."

"Fine. He's been hospitalised. Liver cancer. At least come visit, please. He'll appreciate it. I know. At least come say hi."

"You want me to visit him? Plus, you know I don't like places with lots of people. Guess you decided it was so insignificant, the reason I left. Real nice."

"You still have it?"

"Stop referring to it like it can just magically disappear. Also, not here. Not now. Especially not in front of him." He jerked his head in the direction of Hoseok.

"Eh? Why does that matter? Do you- Oh."

"Yeah. Oh. Now shut up. How do you two even know each other?"

"Same uni. He's the one who told me where you were, you know. Said there was someone who looked an awful lot like they could be my brother that visited the cafe he worked at often. Talks quite a bit about you. Gotten yourself some friends, eh? Or... is it just friends? Anyways, you still haven't told him? From the way he talks about you, it seems like you two've known each other for your whole lives."

"Huh? What do you mean? We haven't even had a single proper conversation yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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