'We thought you knew.' Liam stated truthfully. 

'You even said you answered the phone this morning that said we had a shoot today.' Niall added, shoving his hands into his pockets as he gave a small shrug.

'I thought that was a joke, someone pranking you! I mean come on, how is anyone supposed to guess you five are models. Seriously? Have you seen yourselves?' She joked but there was a hint of hurt in her voice.

'Sorry Jess. It isn't something you usually tell people. They either know and care or don't. We thought you knew.' I apologised on behalf of everyone.

 'Hey! I am not one of those teen chicks that follows the stereotypical rules of a girl.' She protested, pointing her finger at us, wiggling it about. 'I spend my days in my onesie on the sofa, stuffing my face with food whilst fangirling over bands and running a kick ass Tumblr blog. I don't read girly magazines.'

'You fangirling? Never.' Zayn fake gasped, knowing full well that Jess doesn't just fangirl over celebrities. She fangirls over her friends as well. Jess in return shot him her middle finger. 'Rude.'

'Look Jess, we are sorry. We genuinely thought you knew and this isn't something we would hide from one of our best friends.' Louis said and the girl sighed.

'Fine but I want all the details now.' She confirmed.

'What are you doing here anyway?' I asked, suddenly interested in how she wound up in a modelling studio. Especially when she is someone who just stated she hates them.

'Umm... nothing.' She lied before whistling away like she was innocent. 

'Jess...' We all urged in unison.

'Okay that was creepy.' We all gave her a look causing her to give in. 'Fine... I came here to plant pranks and throw eggs.'

'Really?' I cried.

'Yeah like I said I hate models. They are all stuck up.'

'Thanks.' We chorused.

'You guys need to stop doing that, it is creepier than walking in on Liam licking chocolate off of Niall.

'Kinky,' Louis added, wiggling his eyebrows and the two boys.

'Please don't tell me you are still planning on doing that?' I asked, hoping she wouldn't destroy the family studio.

'Well...' She drew out and I smacked my hand against my forehead.

'I think Hazza here would appreciate you calling off your plan Jess, considering he owns the place.' Louis stated, backing me up as always.

'Say what? Seriously why didn't you guys tell me this? Fine, I will call off my prank. You have ruined my fun though.' She pouted, crossing her arms over.

'Well there is always our new rival company that you could target instead.' Niall hinted and a smirk grew on the girls face.

'What's the address?'

After Niall gave Jess the address, the girl ran out of the studio with a devious look on her face. She looked happy though and I don't know whether we should be worried about that. She takes too much pleasure in ruining things and people's lives. Lucky we are on the list of very few people she likes, so we are safe. For now. 

I just hope we never get on her bad side.

'So Hazza what are the plans for tonight?' Louis questioned, skipping over to me.

'Well...' I began but was interrupted by Zayn.

'Guys I need to head out. I'll be back at...sometime tonight. I don't know.' He said with a shrug, wondering over to the exit with his bag slung over his shoulder.

'Follow him.' Louis whispered.


'I am fed up of seeing him like this because he is afraid to tell you. I can't tell you and he isn't planning on it anytime soon but if you follow him then he has no choice.' Louis explained and all I could do was nod before placing a quick kiss on his forehead.

'I'll be home soon.'

'Take Niall with you. I wanna have a catch up with Liam and only Liam.' He added and I nodded, calling our Irish friend over and then dragging him out of the door. 

'Where are we going?' He asked as I searched around for Zayn, finally spotting him walking up a road a couple of 100 meters ahead of us.

'We are going to follow Zayn.' Niall didn't reply at first and instead gave me a concerning look but then he realized that this is kind of the right thing to do. It kind of isn't because it is invading his privacy a little but it is needed to help him. So it is okay.

'You know this reminds me of when Liam and I followed you home.' Niall casually stated.

'You what?' I said in disbelief as we sneakily followed Zayn, keeping our distance.

'How else do you think we found out where you lived?' We were curious to know why Marcel was so secretive, you can't blame us!' He defended.

'No I can't. So where do you think Zayn goes?' 

'I have no idea but wherever it is...it isn't good.' 

We continued to follow Zayn for a good 15 minutes until we walked through the town. We had no idea where he was going still and it was hard to keep up with him when people were rushing all around us, heading home from work. Somehow we managed not to loose him which was a relief.

It was about another 10 minutes later that we hid behind a car and watched as Zayn headed towards the hospital.

'Why is he going there?' Niall quizzed, fear crossing his face.

'I don't know.'

'Shall we follow him inside?' 

'We have to. It's the only way to know.' I sighed, standing up from my crouched position and heading towards the entrance with Niall following close behind me. 

I just hope that whatever Zayn is hiding, isn't affecting him personally. I hope he isn't ill. 

I hope he will let us help.


This is short and extremely late. Guys Andrea and I apologise a lot, summer has been busy for us both and it was hard to find the time to right.

We are trying to ge back into routine and will try and update weekly from now on but no promises. We just hope you will all continue to stick with us because we won't stop until this is finished.

Dedication goes to @BoardThyLarryShip

Please, vote, comment, shout at us for not writing

Thank you

Charlotte and Andrea (@Horuhn) 

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