Eunha started to grit her teeth because she feels the pain of a melting silver in her body and how it spreads through it. She's fighting it but her body won't stop from shaking. She started to scoff blood too. Sowon is extremely worried.

"I-It h-hurts so much!" Eunha forcedly mouthed then grits her teeth again as the red liquid flows from her mouth.

"Trust me, Yuju-ssi. You won't kill me because I'm the only person that could help you right now." Joy suddenly mumbled.

"Now.. bring Eunha to you dorm and I'll follow you back there! Quick!"

Yerin looked at Joy and couldn't say anything because she's surprised that they are actually helping them. This time, Yerin can feel that Joy and HaYoung already know the things that she kept from them.

"N-No. M-Meet me in the forest." Yerin stutterly said.

"Alright! Quick! There's a small door at the back downstairs.. you can use that to escape! Quick!" Joy mouthed as she pushes the girls to where she's pointing at.

Joy and Yerin had a glanced at each other before totally run away to bring Eunha at the Haven.


"I-It h-hurts! I-It f-fckn h-hurts!" Eunha groaned while lying on her bed at the Haven. She still keeps on scoffing blood.

As soon as the girls reached the Haven, they told the Lord and the Queen everything. Ms. Shim tries herself again to lessen the pain that Eunha's feeling, but as the bullet slowly melts in her body, the more it demands pain.

Yerin is now waiting for Joy in the middle of the forest. She's with Yuju. She started to walk back and forth while biting her nails, thinking how she would explain everything to Joy and HaYoung. How she would explain herself why she had to lie about her identity, why she had to keep the truth from them. Yuju, on the otherhand, is panicly thinking about Eunha, continuously tapping her feet while sitting on a log. She doesn't know why Yerin grabbed her in the forest to wait for Joy and HaYoung. Yuju stood up because she feels uneasy too. To her surprised, Yerin hugged her all of a sudden.

"I'm scared." Yerin mumbles.

"I'm so scared that they might despise me." Yerin mumbles while hugging Yuju.

"You're scared that they might hate you, but you're not scared of losing me?" Yuju mumbles while Yerin is hugging her. Then Yerin withdraws the hug.

"Yahh.. Choi Yuna.." Yerin mumbles.

"You know I love you, right? You know I'm willing to do everything. You know how much I've wanted to be with you despite all these things. Why can't you see that, Jung Yerin? I don't understand what's happening to us right now." Yuju's voice started to shake but she tries her best not to cry infront of her.

But before Yerin could reply to her words, she turned to her back because she feels someone is coming. Yuju just looked down and turned away.

"Yah Jung Yerin.." HaYoung called out fiercefully.

"Where is she?" Joy asked.

"W-Why do you want me to meet you here?" Yerin asked nervously.

"Because of these." Joy showed her some syringes.

"Now.. where's Eunha? If you really want her to be alive, you should tell me where she is. Or it will be easier if you bring me to her."

"You won't like it there." Yuju mumbles.

"C'mon, Yuju-ssi. I've seen a lot of werewolves already." Joy mouthed while looking at Yuju straight in the eyes.


Yuju agrees and let Joy and HaYoung goes to the Haven. It's for Eunha's sake after all. All eyes are on them, especially to Joy and HaYoung. They know that this happened because of her father, that's why they are all curious and cautious.

Joy immediately approached Eunha and examines her wound again. The poison spreads through her chest and neck already. Sowon is in panic beside her and crying so much. Sinb and Umji are beside Sowon while caressing her back.

"The poison spreads through her body. We need to take out the rest of the metal from her gunshot. I can't do it. It should be a stronger one and has high tolerance of pain. Who's the strongest here?"

"Yerin-ah.. quick! Please!" Sowon called on Yerin.

"No. It's Yuju unnie." Umji mumbles. Sowon looked at her then to Yuju.

"Yuju-ssi, quick." Joy stated.

Eunha gritted her teeth as Yuju inserted her index finger through her gunshot to remove the melted bullet. Eunha is panting because of the pain. Then they already saw the bullet successfully taken out from Eunha's body.

"Now.. move." Joy stated and throws a cloth to Yuju to wipe Eunha's blood with silver in it.

Joy poured a liquid on Eunha's body. Eunha screams the pain out because of what Joy just did.

"I'm sorry, Eunha-yah. I needed to do that." Joy utters then pierced two syringes on her chest.

That makes Eunha lifts her head a little and glared at Joy. She gritted her teeth as she gripped Joy's hand tight. Joy chuckled at her then looked at her hand. Eunha turned to Sowon and that is when she passed out. Sowon started to get panicked again while looking at Joy.

"Don't worry, unnie. She just passed out. What I injected her is a serum that is made by my father. He reverse-engineered the chemicals that is in the silver bullets to make an antidote. Don't worry. It's tested and proven. Eunha will be totally fine later." Joy explained.

"Now.. we'll get to you, Jung Yerin." Joy uttered while turning her eyes to Yerin. Then she traces the people that's inside the room.

"You have a lot to explain, Jung Yerin-ssi." HaYoung mumbles with her arms crossed on her chest.


BOOK 2: SUNRISE(Blood and Growls Sequel)(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now