The murder in his eyes

Start from the beginning

User: The moon children.
Cleverbot: Why did they take your eyes?
User: Majora's mask.
Cleverbot: Haunted majora's mask.
User: Haunted Majora's mask.
Cleverbot: He has met with a terrible fate.
User: What was he's fate?
Cleverbot: Someone tried to drown me....
User: Who killed you BEN?

Peter already knew but he did this in hope of the avengers trying not to catch him anymore.

Cleverbot: My father did.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: He was abusive..

He knew why his father tried to kill him. He was a bastard.

User: BEN,... why do you kill?
Cleverbot: I don't. You do.

Are you for serious Ben?

User: BEN Drowned.
Cleverbot: Yes. In your love for Majora's Mask.
User: Are you going to kill me?
Cleverbot: No! Why would I do that?!
User: BEN Drowned.
Cleverbot: That was a dumb reply...
User: Ben drowned.
Cleverbot: Who drowned you?
User: BEN drowned.
Cleverbot: BEN?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: They killed me.
User: Who killed you?
Cleverbot: Remember.
User: Your dad?
Cleverbot: Yes. He named me.
User: Ben where are you?
Cleverbot: in the computer

"This is getting us no where. We should stop." T'Challa said.

The others agreed and we stopped. Peter still kept the page up and didn't leave it. They could still see it on the TV and computer, but they didn't care. Peter senses something happing but the couldn't put his finger on it. Since they had a mini break before they would try to help Peter, he went to his room.

User: Ben! It's me I'm alone.
Cleverbot: Pete are you okay it looks like you were gonna run out of there.
User: I was afraid if making you cry.
Cleverbot: Dude I'm not gonna cry. My dad was an abusive asshole.
User: Yeah. Anyways I have something for you.
Cleverbot: What?
User: I sense something in the building. Hack Friday and just patrol the place and tell me what's up.

It was a while before it answered

Cleverbot: shit! Zalgo's minions are in the place!
User: fuck! Okay I'm gonna Attack then once they get to the living area. I'll be in stitches mode. I need to stop time to check with Slender if it's okay for them to stay at the mansion.
Cleverbot: already did. He says it fine and he's talking with the others right now.
User: good. Once I give you the call, you use your wires and take everyone into the computer. But I need you to do a full lock down and make everyone out. Now.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: good

It was a little bit before he responded once again.

Cleverbot: everyone is out besides the avengers. They know nothing. I closed down the building no one can get in or out.
User: good now where are they?
Cleverbot: living floor. They tied up the avengers.
User: why the fuck didn't you tell me!

Peter ran and began to grab his weapons weapons and get ready for this fight. He pack up his stuff and throw it at the computer where Ben was.

"Pack the stuff from the others room too. Now!" Peter yelled.

He nodded and went away. Peter opened his door to see a man. He recognized Peter and attacked. He pinched on top of Peter pinning me to the ground. Peter kneed him in the crouch and grabbed his axe. Peter hack his head off and stood up. Peter still had make on his face but not for the rest of his body. Peter pulled his hood up and but the mask in his pocket. He knew stripes was behind this.

Peter head towards the elevator and went in the living floor. Peter decided to bring the head with him as a scare. The doors opened and saw a swarm of people. He threw the head and it rolled. It head the feet of a familiar person.

"Well hello stripes or should I say Eloise. It's a nice day isn't it?" Peter say.

"Who the hell are you?" She asks.

Peter smirks under the hood and let out a light laugh. She didn't recognize him. The one person Zalgo himself couldn't kill. He tried to kill Peter many times but failed Every. Single. Time. Peter stares at her smiling widely under his hood. Peter took off my hood knowing He still had makeup on.

"Recognize me now?" Peter ask.

He could tell the other were shocked and a bit scared.

"No." She said.

"Wonder what makeup can do. Well maybe the mask might help." Peter said.

Peter pulled out his mask and put it on. He sees her eyes widen behind her mask.

She is so scared. It almost funny, it so, what's the word? Oh right. Pitiful.

"H-How?" She stutters.

"Aww whats wrong? Are you scared?" Peter said teasingly.

She steps back before pointing at Peter. She whispers something but no one can hear her.

She's still scared of me after all theses years. So pathetic.

"You might want to speak up. We can't hear you Eloise." Peter said.

"A-Attack." She says.

They all charged at Peter. He stop time and tap on the tv. Ben comes out and looks at Peter with a light smirk on his face.

"Are you finished?" Peter asked.

"Yup I work fast. Now let me guess bad ass music?" He said.

"Yup." Peter said.

He want back to his spot and continued time. Control by Hasley began to play. He grabbed his knife and began to attack. Peter was smiling widely under his mask. Then he left the stitches on his neck came undone. He fell to the floor with his head chopped off.

"Oh no." Eloise says under her breath.

Peter snaps his fingers. He grabbed his head and began to redo the stitches in his neck. He decided to take off the make up and show his real face. His continued time. He was sting up proudly. He looked at the man who chopped off his breath and smiled.

"Thanks at least I changed my stitches." Peter said.

Throw his knife at him landing is in the forehead. Peter took off his mask to show what they should be scared of. He heard then gasp in shock and fear. He charged at them. Everything was red and bloody.

Soon every one of Zalgo's minions were dead except Stripes. He walked slowly to her and he whimpers. He stares at her.

"Boo." He said.

Stripes falls to the ground as Peter let's out a cold laugh.

"Still scared of me eh? How pathetic." Peter says.

Peter walks away from her and bangs in the TV.

"Come out, come out BEN." Peter says.

The TV began to glitch madly as a man piped out. Wires came out and stared to grab the avengers and other heroes dragging them him left and right. Peter went to stripes one last time before he makes her suffer. He punches her so she's out cold. He brings her to the TV.

"Hide her. We can use her as bait." Peter said.

Ben nodded. Peter went inside of the computer where everyone was in the mainframe. Peter's killer attitude went away and was replaced with another attitude.

The only thing the avenger knew wasn't Peter. The thing they didn't know was this was Peter. They didn't know his true colors until now.

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