Familiar - Father!Engineer x Child!Reader

Start from the beginning

He stood up, "Oh god..."

You stood up too and a smile broke out on your face. "Mom always loved fire, didn't she?"

He laughed, "A true pyromaniac."

Both of you immediately burst out of your room and went running towards another. Both of you stopped in front of the door. Mixed emotions were coursing through your veins. You raised your hands to knock but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You looked at your father, he looked back. Engineer gave you a reassuring smile and took your hand.

Your fist met the door and you couldn't help but hold your breath. The familiar sound of muffled speaking greated you. You and Engineer entered the room and found Pyro sitting on their bed. The scent of vanilla hit Engineer's nose and he couldn't help but tear up. Pyro stood up and off the bed. Their head tilted. "Hudda hudda?"

Engineer took off his helmet and pushed his goggles upwards, "H-Hey Firefly... Texas really missed yah." Pyro gasped and stepped back. They looked at you. "Hey momma." You said, tears streaming down your cheeks. Hesitantly Pyro began to take off their mask.

There she stood.

A firefly. She was small but she could light up the whole world. Her kind eyes met yours and she smiled. She ran over to both of you. She threw her arms around you and Engineer. "Oh my darlings!" She yelped.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't allowed to tell you who I was! I wasn't supposed to but I couldn't help it! Oh Dell I'm so sorry my darling and Y/n! Oh look how big you've gotten!" She peppered your face with kisses. "When they told me I would never see you two again, it was too late. I couldn't refuse the job offer, I had learned to much about them, but when you showed up! I wanted to throw off the mask and hug you two but I couldn't. I'm so sorry Y/n, I wasn't there to be a mother to you... and Dell you had to do it by yourself. I'm so sorry."

She began to shake slightly and Engineer took the time to bury his face into her hair. You separated from them both and wiped tears from your cheeks. You gave them a moment together. They were whispering to each other. Eventually she turned to you and grinned. You accepted another hug from her, "I thought yah were dead mom." She chuckled, "I did too for a while."

You smiled and she held your cheeks, her soft hands wiping away tears. "You look so much like your father." You chuckled, "Well the others do call me Extra Tiny Engie." She laughed. "I know! Your dad is a tiny one isn't he?" Both of you turned to Engie, he rolled his green eyes. "Yeah yeah, Ah get it. Neither one of yuh ain't tall either, now are yuh?" Pyro, your mom, laughed again. "I'm taller than you! You stubborn oaf, you have been the same height ever since the day I met you."

"At least Ah don't enjoy playin' with fire." Pyro the mom snickered, "Ah yes the fire line," She looked at you and whispered, "he uses it everytime he loses an argument-" Engineer laughed, "Ah heard that!" He put an arm around her, pecked her cheek, and ruffled your hair. "Ah love yah both. This is what Ah missed most. Mah family."

You nodded and hugged both of them. "It's weird." You stated. Engineer rose a brow and Pyro answered, "What is?" You shrugged, "Yah are back but yet yah never left. It's like when Pa looses his goggles, they seem gone, but they are right under his nose the whole time. Well in his case on top of his head." Engineer rolled his eyes but kissed your forehead. "Yah would lose 'em too if they weren't yer main focus an' stop makin' fun of me."

"Stop being so easy to make fun of." Pyro said. He rolled his eyes once more. A knock came at the door. "Pyro! Vere are meine scalpels? Schtop trying to perform surgery on jour schtuffed bear! It has no organs!" You opened the door a crack. He looked down at you, "Y/n is Pyro available?" You shrugged. "I dunno, Pyro's not in here." He rose a brow. "Zhen vhy are jou?"

You smiled, innocently. "Just looking at some stuff." He sighed and crossed his arms, "Vell if jou come across some scalpels, don't play vis zhem, and give zhem to me, okay?" You nodded. Medic walked off and you returned to your parents, who were kissing. "Oh gross, get a room!" They both laughed. "We are in my room right now!" Your mom said. "Then I'm leaving." You stated.

"Oh no yah ain't. Git over here yah lil' varmit." You groaned a groan that was way to exaggerated. Instead of leaving you just sat down on your mother's bed. "So, were is this bear I have heard of?" You asked. She chuckled, "No idea really, the goggles make me see such weird things, it's hard to remember were I started without them." Engineer put his helmet back on and his goggles. "And what about the scalpels?"

She shrugged again. "That I actually don't know. Probably the goggles again, I don't recall taking them in the first place." You yawned, "You're so weird." She sat by you, "Me or him?" You laid on your back as Engineer sat on the other side of you. "Both of you." You stated. "Aren't we all?" Your dad asked.

"Yeah we are, but at least we can be weird together, right?" You asked and sat up. "You're not going to leave again, right?" Pyro embraced you once more, "Sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere. No matter what gets thrown at me. I have to wear the suit still but I'll kill the Administrator herself if she tries to get between us ever again." She sighed, "I'm really sorry guys... it broke my heart everyday knowing that to you I was dead. Believe me I almost threw off my mask so many times. You two are my world, my everything." She began to tear up.

"I'm a t-terrible mother! I l-let a job get bet-tween our family!" Her sob was so sudden you were taken back. "Momma yah had no choice... Who knows what they woulda done if yah had shown us right away." You took her hand, "Hell, we don't even know what's going to happen now..."

Engineer managed to wrap his arms around both of you two, "Now yah listen here, Firefly nothin' is going tuh happen tuh yah, Y/n watch your language, and don't worry about anythin' we are all going to stay together." You laid your head on your mom's shoulder, "But pa, what if-"

He shushed you, "Ah don't want tuh hear it. Don't think about the negatives Y/n. Be happy that we are together again. Ah just want yah to know that if anythin' did happen Ah would never EVER let anythin' or anyone hurt either one of yah." He rubbed your arm, "Ah love yah Y/n and Ah love my Firefly." You could hear his voice cracking, he was about to cry too. Everyone had their share of emotions today, your father was no exception. Pyro mom smiled at you, "I love you two and well, if the Administrator wants to come between this family..." She chuckled with a darker tone.

"Then let her try..."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now