FFD One-Shot Contest Entry :)

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( Warning this story is pretty sad but I still hope you like it)


Crying. Today is the day for saddness. Tomorrow I'll have to get up get dressed and move on. But,

Today there is just crying.

Connor hasn't gotten out of the bed in at least a week. I'm not going to make him.

The loss of someone is always hard. Especially when it's someone who without them your life

will be completely different. I'm trying to stay strong..just for Connor. My poor Connor just lies in bed. Thinking,gazing at pictures,but mostly crying.

I tip-toe into our bedroom. "Connor...are you awake," I whisper as my eyes readjust to the now pitch-black room.

"Georgie. Come here Georgie." Connor replies.

I walk over to our bed and sit by him,stroking his hair. "Conner dear you need to get up and shower. The funeral is today."

"Georgie she isn't coming back...Georgie why!" Connor shoots up immediately. "She was so young! She had so much more life! It's just not fair!!"

"Connor calm down.." I say soothingly. " She would have wanted you to get up and go out! She wouldn't want you lying here being depressed. She loved you Connor. And you were the best son to her before she died. Life's not going to be the same without her! But we will all get through this!!"

And without another word,Connor rose out of our bed and silently entered the bathroom to shower. As soon as he was out of ear shot I went to my tiny,yet afordable closet and opened the doors. Knowing exactly what I wanted,I walked straight to the back. Of course,there is was. The maroon, satin dress Juilie had picked out for me on one of our shopping days. She had said, "It really brings out those green eyes!" I mourne for those days so much. At the sight of it I broke down and cried.


" Juilie. Oh my dear Juilie." My mom crys.

" Today we are here to celebrate the life and death of a dear friend,a great mother,and an amazing personality, Juilie Murphy."

The wails and tears of my mom and Connor just become to real for me. I finally understand pain. Juilie. My second mother for so long. The women I could always turn too. I guess you could say..one of my best friends. She's she's she's.....gone......

Connor and I agreed to have the most beautiful funeral you could have for a women. Juilie loved lily's. So the entire church is covered in the sweet arroma of lily's.Throughout the ceremony,Juilie's friends and family would come up and say a few words. That's how Juilie would've wanted it. Finally towards the end,it was our turn. Conner and I quitely walked up to the podium. At first we said nothing. Then I began.

" Juilie,what can I say about Juilie? She was beautiful and outgoing. She was able to light up a room that was covered in darkness. Her company was like a sweet gift. Not only that but Juilie she was..was..like a second mother to me. Always there with her camera to document the moment." That's when I started to break down again. " And in the end....Juilie,she was..she was one of my best friends." I poored out my thoughts on Juilie,and then just walked right back to my seat wanting to shrivel up right there. Connor wasn't even able to speak,so he just followed me and sat back down.

We cried even after the funeral was over. In fact we still mourned for her weeks after she was gone. Although,it ended up becoming easier and easier to move on as days passed. Of course,we could never fully forget her. Connor finally is able to go back to work and his normal daily routine. A certain glow has left Connor though. I'm able to go back to being my clumsy and uncoordinated self.

We will NEVER forget you Juilie Murphy. R.I.P ♥


Well there you go! Sorry to make it so sad! Did you cry? I had tears in my eyes just writing this! Oh! and for your information I picked the song Eyes Open for 2 reasons. 1- Because Taylor Swift sings it and she plays Georgie in this story. 2- Because it's lyrics really capture my meaning of this story. talking about them and how they used to be children playing games and now they're adults in a cruel world.

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