Chapter 19 : Bin Your Notes For Mine

Start from the beginning

Ashley followed closely behind seeming to have the same tactic as she added a sway to her walk so the two of them looked like they were running the runway. Powerfully. Some joy radiated off Scarlett as people began moving out her way, she dared not to see if it was because of Jennifer who should be entering school at this time. No Scarlett wanted this to be her moment where people realised that she was more than a sidekick. Her and Ashley. They were more than the rumours forming.

A smile of relief overtook her face once she reached her locker. On it, stuck with tape that looked tacky, was a poster for a club that covered its letters in glitter. One taped to Ashley's too and they both rolled their eyes ripping off the posters for a freshman school dance.

They did this every year. Freshman years dance caused Scarlett to never want to go again as she remembered what happened, instantly dampening both their moods. This simple action seemed to have gained more attention as they collected their lesson equipment strolling to their first class together. Not one of them speaking. They couldn't speak when freshman dance posters caught their eye-line every second. It was a constant reminder of that stupid day! 

Saying goodbye with a tight smile that said it all was there parting as Scarlett turned into her classroom, leaving Ashley to fend for herself against those awful glittery posters. Scarlett went to her seat with too much on her mind. meaning that she didn't have time for a girl to tell her she was in the wrong seat. Scarlett glanced at her desk position to see that the girl was right but didn't want to move as she took out her phone texting Ashley.

"Get out her seat Scar and stop being stubborn." She ignored Parker's remark. Scarlett suddenly wanted to play stubborn and clicked the send button before shoving her phone into her pocket. A shadow cast over her but she dared not meet the eyes of him because she didn't know if such an action would take over her body. Then what? She would be trapped again in a circle of obeying Parker.

"You're blocking me from my education." She retorted pulling out a pen and notebook to doodle in. Parker actually laughed at her joke in a non-mocking way, Scarlett held her breath hoping he walked away before she died from inside happiness. Luckily Parker spared her life and Scarlett could celebrate in peace. After all, drama keeps moving onto something better and her change helped push it along. 

"Drawing smiley faces. Ironic." Daena had the courage to mock Scarlett. How did she forget that this girl shared most classes with her? Quietly begging God for forgiveness that she didn't move earlier, Scarlett decided to stay put as the girl who's desk she had stolen slipped into her now old seat. "Scarlett Evers thinks shes so big now that she has a new wardrobe. Tell me how much your mother paid for this interesting look?"

"I would say but its not in your vocabulary." She spat with distaste for herself knowing that she shouldn't say such things about money.

"Its not in your bank account either." Daena whispered angrily as the teacher strolled in. 

Scarlett wasn't one to bite her tongue- she would have to work on that later. Making a mental note to work on her speech, Scarlett fired back "Are you sleeping on the streets now that Jace kicked you out? I mean it is where the rats belong."

"Miss Evers!" The teacher yelled. Scarlett took one look at the board analysing quickly what he is about to ask. "What is the answer?"

"42 sir." She guessed correctly.

"Good. Pay attention next time." Nodding in response the teach continued his lesson and Scarlett celebrated her victory in peace as she heard Daena let out a frustrated sigh beside her. 

As the bell rang to single the end of their double lesson Scarlett tidied her belongings away with haste so she could see Ashley. "Update." She said once she paced her way to her friend.

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