Unknown: Ohhhh THAT'S why they call you Ocean Boi! Oh and one more thing... PReCioUse!!

Ocean Boi: Haha ThANKs!!

Curly Fries: Jack Avery

Curly Fries: Jack Avery                                           

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Unknown: Brooo I skate too! And loving the hair btw!!

Curly Fries: ThANkS!!

Little One: Zach Herron

Little One: Zach Herron                                             

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Unknown: .....Oh.My.GOD!!!! JACOB SARTOURIOUS 2.0!!!!!!!!

Little One: Well... at LeASt I'm 2.0!

Da Bean: Corbyn (With a 'y') Besson

Da Bean: Corbyn (With a 'y') Besson                                                                   

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Unknown: YoUr HAiR giVeS mE liFe!!!

Da Bean: Well then, I will be sure to keep it this way so you don't die!

Unknown: ThAt wAS tHe NiCeST tHIng AnyOnE hAs EveR saiD tO mE!!

Harry Potter: That's sad...

Unknown: Ikr!!

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