Ryan's Birthday

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Hey! Me again. This chapter is mainly about Kate and Ryan, and a little about Brendon and Holly.  Well I'm making this one longer than the last one. Stay tuned!

BRRING! Eventually lunch rolled around and we sat at our usual table; nearest to the door and next to the window. I kept thinking about the song I wrote, I just couldn't finish it. I kept listening to the piano part of it and doodling in my notebook. "Sup?" I showed Spencer the becquerel I was trying to draw. "I know, I know! It's not working, It'lll never be!" I sighed dramatically and grabbed the book back, and wrote down what I just said. It flowed so well. I took a bite of my pizza slice and left the table. "I'll be back!" I yelled. I ran to the music room hoping nobody was using it. I peeked inside looking if anyone was there. I tested if the lyrics worked and got out the sheets of music. I practiced the song, fitting in the new lyrics. I got a text from Brendon.

Brendon: where r u? Ryan's asking ;)

Me: I'll never tell!

Brendon: Music room?

Me: pls don't tell! im working on sumtin private!

Brendon: ok :)

Me: Yay! thnxz

I came back to the cafeteria, when people bombarded me with questions; "Where were you? Are you okay? Where'd you get the pizza? Did you lose something? What happened?" "Won't tell, yes, you missed it, no, it's a secret." They groaned as I smiled deviously. "So, what's the happs?" I asked. I got no response except grunts and "Eh"'s. "How about you guys come to my place for a sleepover? My parents are out of town," I explained. They all said yes in their own way. "Great! Well I gotta get to class. Coming Holly?" "I'll come later," she smiled at me. I winked at her knowing she just wanted to go with Brendon. I went to the room and played Feur Elise to relax a little and get to know the piano. Then I started playing the song.

I started and saw his hair and immediately stopped. I opened the door and smacked him on the back of his head. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked annoyed. "Bathroom?" he answered in a question form. "Sure. THE BATHROOM'S THE OTHER WAY!" I whisper-screamed. "I didn't know you played," he said shocked. "Let's keep it that way! Now leave or the Ryhawk get's it." I stated. He left knowing all too well that I was being serious. I waved him off and went back to the piano. I didn't bother playing it knowing that another one of my friends would easily hear me. I played Feur Elise while trying to think up an ending. I figured I'd do it later so I wouldn't get in trouble. I played till the bell rang and headed to my house.

I stopped and 'The Juice Bar' to get 12 smoothies for our sleepover. Next I went to 'The Bay Leaf' to get their number. I thanked them and left for my house.

I cleared up my room and got the guest room ready. I marvelled at my work until I realized something; the piano was still there. I moved it to my closet and got all the stuff we needed so nobody entered my room. It was sacred to me; if anyone TOUCHED my 'MCR: The Black Parade Is Dead [AOL Live]' CD, I'd bite their head off. And they knew that. I locked my room and went to the basement to set up. I was putting on Imagine Dragons, the bell just HAD to ring. "Ugh! Who the hell is interrupting my Imagine Dragons Time?!" I screamed while answering the door. I was embarrassed to see the one person I didn't need to see right now. "Oh! Hey Ryan," I said meekly. "Hey," he replied. I started laughing like an idiot once I saw his face. "What's so funny?!" he asked. I let him come in and showed him the mirror. "BRENDON! I am gonna kill him!" "Calm down cranky-butt! It's only a mustache; I would've done it to you," I said. "And plus, if you beat him up here, I can easily video tape it!" I said as I took a picture with my phone. "Hey! Delete it!" he poutedly said. I finished Whatsapping it to the guys and Holly and pretended to delete it but moved it to a different folder. "It's gone, see?" I showed it to Ryan. We went to the basement and I pressed play on the sound system. On Top Of The World came on and I sang along forgetting he was even there. I walked around and pushed the couch to the other side while texting. I got the beanbags out and threw them in the middle and then went out of the room, having memorized the lyrics, still sang while getting the DVDs from my room. and put them to the side. "There," I said clapping along to the end of the song. I looked over at Ryan, who's mouth was open in awe. "Close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies," I told him smirking. He then shrugged it off and we went to see what we could use as snacks. "Damn it!" I yelled. "What?" Ryan asked as he walked into the kitchen. "We don't have any peanut butter!" I whined like a five year old. I looked at my phone as it flashed 'Ryan's Birthday! Ryan's Birthday!' I closed it and asked him, "Ryyyyan? Could you please go get some more?" I held up a pair of scissors and he was out the door before I could say 'I think I lost my pants!'. I went upstairs to see how Chloe (my little sister) was doing. She was still sleeping; that was the plan. I started on the cake and icing. I found cocoa powder and and vanilla essence and strawberries. I love strawberries. I made the layers waiting for the guys. Holly came in yelling "I got Candles!" as Jon came in and went straight for the fridge. "Bad dog!" I squirted him with water. He hung his head in shame as he and Spencer went to the basement. "Where's Breeeeendon?" I asked batting my eyelashes as she hit my arm. "Would you shut up? I don't want the whole world knowing!" she said angrily. "Could you do the snacks? I'm a little busy here," I asked. Just as I was mixing, Brendon came in. "Bwendon!" Came the voice I was hoping not to hear. "Kitchen!" I yelled to him. "Hey Chloe!" He said picking her up. "Sorry, I was picking up bottles of Soda from the store," he said putting bubble on the counter. "Hey bubble! You met Brendon, huh?" I asked/told her. I turned around to smack Bren's hand away. "Bad dog!" I said as I squirted him with the same bottle I used on Jon. My phone vibrated in my pocket. "Hello? Oh hey Ryan! What? No! I need... um, Pretzels, Nutella, white cheddar snacks, pancake mix, tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms and cheese. Lots of cheese. Pleeeeeeeease???? Yay! Thank you! I'll see ya when I see ya," I cut the call and turned around to see everyone looking at me. "What? I need more time! And he offered so I gave him my necessities for the week!" They still stared at me. "He offered!" I put my hands up in defeat and went back to the icing. "Bubble? Could you go give this to my friends while I finish the cake?" I asked her. She toddled off and found Bren and gave it to him who took her to the basement where everyone else was. I finished the cake and put it in my secret cake place (under the sink >.<). 

I went to the basement and told everyone the plan and where they were. We got through it eventually, with Jon's ridiculous question. Ryan still wasn't home so we just played with Chloe and sang along to P&F songs. I had given Ryan a spare key so he could come and go any time my parents weren't home. I heard keys and whisper-yelled, "HIDE!" I got the cake and ran down with the candles. I prayed to god he wouldn't know and thought, 'Our plan is officially in action!'

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