Friendship For Dummies (One-shot)

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This is written for leigh_'s one-shot competition. So, fingers crossed... here it is. Oh, and totally unrelated video to the side. I love that song! Check out the film clip if you haven't already --------->

"It's a baby girl." Smiles the nurse as she hands me my newly born child. Connor gives my hand a small squeeze and a little voice inside me says You did it Georgie, you survived childbirth. I grin from ear to ear, looking backwards and forwards from the plump, pink, wriggling creature on my lap to my adoring husband.

"Shall I tell the good news." The nurse hesitates. Family! It seems like everyone we know has turned up for our special day. Connor and I nod eagerly and she leaves us alone in the small room.

"What should we call her?" Connor looks at me, beaming. It seems neither of us can contain our happiness.

"I can't believe we're parents." I breath and stop to think. Amazingly, I've been so busy in the weeks leading up to now, names haven't even crossed my mind. The moment Mum and Julie weaseled the information out of me, I was booked into numerous informative women's pregnancy meetings and yoga classes. I was even forced into throwing a baby shower. The nursery's been filled with extravagant gifts ever since. Half of which, a child so young couldn't possibly need.

"What about Amelia?" Connor asks, bringing me out of my trance. He wraps his arm around me, protectively. "Amy, for short. It means 'beloved' and I'm sure she won't be short of any affection in this family." His eyes flick towards the door and he looks at me hopefully. I can tell he's had this name in mind for a while.

"That sounds...beautiful. Amelia Rose Murphy." Connor smiles in relief and I reach over to plant a light kiss on his cheek. We both look down at Amy, who stares at us with big, adorable brown eyes.

"She has Mum's eyes." I whisper. She'll be happy.

"I bet she'll have your hair." Notes Connor. I frown. Don't wish that upon her.

"I like your unruly curls." he reads my mind and reaches his hand up to tuck a strand behind my ear.

Suddenly the door of our small hospital room bursts open and our extended family floods in, with Mum and Julie leading in the small crowd.

"Oh, Georgie!" squeals my Mother, excitedly. "A girl! You're a Mother. I can't believe it." Way to state the obvious Mum. Her childish delight makes me smile though. It's not everyday you're surrounded by the ones you love. Mum throws her arms around me in an awkward fashion, as she tries not to squish me and the baby.

"Do you mind?" she asks and glances at Amy and then at Connor and I.

"Go ahead. Everyone, I'd like you to meet Amy, the newest addition to the Murphy-Howard Family."

Everyone cheers and I catch a glimpse of the nurse in the far corner of the room, looking quite overwhelmed by the intrusion of so many loud, bubbling family members.

As Mum sweeps Amy away to admire her with Julie, Dad, Brandon, Macy and the other guests, a heavily pregnant Ava makes her way to my bed, with Nathan following closely behind.

"Hi." She whispers, bending down to hug me. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." My eyes catch sight of her huge belly. "You're getting on. When are you due?"

Ava smiles sheepishly. "On the 25th..."

"But that's my... "

"Birthday. I know. I guess you'll be sharing it." My mouth twitches into a small smile.

"Ava, that's great. You're going to make a great Mother. And you're going to make a great Father." I point to Nathan. "Where's my hug?"

"Sorry." He murmurs. He looks a little overwhelmed too. Either from our families or the thought of Ava's baby. He's been slightly worried about the whole prospect of a child, but I know as soon as Ava gives birth, that'll all change. When I saw Amy... it felt like my life was just starting.

Nathan wraps his arm around me and I lean in close to his ear. "You are going to make a great Dad, you know that right?"

He pulls away and beams his dazzling Nathan smile. "I hope so."

Ava's so lucky to have found him and who-am-I-kidding, I'm lucky too. I peer up at Connor, who is watching our family coddle Amy from afar and then back at Ava, held in a tight embrace, courtesy of Nathan. I wish I could capture this moment. Right here and right now. This is perfect happiness. This is bliss.

"Georgie!" squeals my excited niece, Emily, from the doorway. She bounds into the room, her brown curls flying behind her, and over to the small gathering around my bed. Emily is tailed by six year old Jamie, three year old Thomas and Macy's Mother.

"I hope we aren't intruding..." she says warily as Emily throws herself at me. "Em insisted she see the new baby." Intruding? Ha! Is she kidding?

"I can't believe I have a cousin. And it's a girl!" gushes the ten year old. "What's her name?"

"Amelia." Connor pipes up from beside me. "Amy for short."

Emily's eyes light up in an enthusiastic glow I've become accustomed to.

"Wow! That's so pretty." She lets go of me and walks around the bed towards her cousin.

The nurse, seeming to have composed herself and regained some confidence, speaks up above the noise.

"The visiting hours are over. I need to take Amelia now and I'm sure our Mother..." She points to me and I fake a yawn - as much as I love this family, I'm dying for some piece and quiet. "..Georgie, is very tired.

Mum reluctantly hands Amelia to the nurse and comes around to my side.

"Goodnight, Darling. Congratulations. She really is beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow."

Everyone else says their goodbyes to Connor and I and we are once again left in a silent room. Only, this time we don't have Amy. Connor makes himself comfortable on the lounge chair next to my bed. I feel a little sorry for him, it's not the softest place to sleep and it's not just me that's had a huge day.

"Can you believe it?" he turns to me. "It just isn't sinking in. We're parents." I smile giddily at him. I definitely can't believe it.

"Goodnight." I whisper. "Love you."

"Goodnight Georgie."

"Goodnight Amy, where ever you are. I hope tomorrow you're not so far away."

With that I shut my eyes and try to suppress the buzzing feeling inside me. I doubt I'll ever get used to this feeling though, I'm a Mother. It's a dream come true.

Thank you so much for reading x. I've never written a one-shot before but... I liked the book Friendship For Dummies way too much to pass up the opportunity of entering this competition.

-Ella x

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