Smirking, Galene placed her hands on her hips and commented, "You tell me." His eyes flickered down, and she raised an eyebrow. "When was the last time you saw a naked woman, Levi?"

Isabel cleared her throat, catching their attention. Levi averted his eyes from Galene, but remained silent.

"I'm going to ignore what I'm witnessing. Gal, I really want to talk to you," she pleaded. "I need to know."

Supressing a sigh, Galene gave in and nodded before turning towards the only man in the room. "You heard her. Go find someone else to annoy."

For some seconds, their gazes clashed as she was prey to his silent challenge. Eventually, the man made a noise with his tongue and stood from her bed. 

When he was about to step out of the room, however, he tilted his head and eyed her intently. "Your towel is slipping."

"Go before I kick you out myself."

Once he was out and the door was closed, Galene ran a hand along the side of her face and sighed through her nostrils. "He's such a pain in the ass," she mumbled under her breath.

"And somehow you haven't pushed him away," Isabel pointed out while giving a knowing smile.

Rolling her eyes, the older woman huffed at the hidden accusation and added, "Yet." She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled some simple, clean clothes out.

"You know, there's nothing wrong with having people that care about you."

Fully-clothed, Galene glanced at her sister from the corner of her eye but said nothing to acknowledge her words.

"I realize you are perfectly fine on your own ㅡ you have always been quite independent, even when it was just the two of us. But I think you got the wrong image, Gal."

Arching an eyebrow, Galene crossed her arms over her chest and turned around to give her a stare that was usually described as intimidating. "Is that so?"

Isabel didn't seem fazed by her it, though. "We're not here to look after you. We're not here because you need people, or help to survive. And we most definitely aren't here just because we find you useful," she said hotly.

"Where are you getting at?" Galene asked, slightly taken aback by her outburst.

The younger girl pulled a genuine smile, and a blush coloured her cheeks when she replied, "Because we are family." She averted her eyes from the intense ones of Galene, whose features gave nothing away. "Levi, Farlan, you and I ㅡ we are all we've got."

For some minutes, no words were spoken as Galene gauged her expression. Truth be told, Galene was having a difficult time processing the meaning of those words ㅡ not to blame her, though, as she wasn't used to displays of affection. However, there was something unmistakable in the younger girl's voice: utter honesty.

Only that was enough to spread warmth inside her cold heart. Clicking her tongue, she eventually shook her head and cleared her throat. "Is that all you wanted to talk about, Isabel?"

No, it wasn't. But she hoped her sister had given up and would not try to force words out of her. Galene was pleasantly surprised by her simplicity and the understanding in her voice. 

"I only have one question." Her green eyes were filled with desperation. "When we were kids, when you left... Was it by choice?"

Galene bit the inside of her cheek and mulled over her options. In the end, she decided to repay her with the same honesty she had offered her.


The door complained when Galene pushed it open with one hand, causing her features to contort into a grimace. Quiet chattering bubbled inside the room where the Scouting Legion went to chill after a day spent in the outside world, but the woman ignored everyone and walked towards her two male friends after spotting them sitting at a table away from the other soldiers.

Her footsteps were light, but somehow they muffled out the voices as she strolled past people. She felt eyes on her; those judging, wary stares she had been receiving ever since she had set foot in that place. Her nose scrunched up, and her lips pulled from her teeth to form a snarl before she sent a glare around.

Most of the present soldiers turned back to their business at once, for even if they did not approve of her, they knew Galene Magnolia wasn't someone to mess with.

However, not all of them were intimidated.

"Is it me, or does it smell of wretch in here?"

At once, Galene stopped walking. Slowly, as pure rage made her veins boil, she turned around to face Jack. His group of toadies were snickering, and a smug smirk was plastered on his face as he arched an eyebrow at her.

Isabel wrapped a hand around her arm to hold her in place and sent a dirty look his way before speaking in a low voice, "He's not worth it, Gal."

But the man glared at her. "You dare to talk about worth, rat?" He let out a mirthless laugh. "You wouldn't know worth even ifㅡ"

All conversations came to a halted end when Galene grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him up, close to her angry face. His knees buckled, and his eyes widened in evident shock; most likely, he had not expected for her to react, considering the circumstances. Not only was the place full of witnesses, but his friends were there as well.

As if suddenly noticing how no one had come to his rescue yet, Jack glanced at those sitting at his table. All of them avoided his pleading stare.

"Your bootlickers aren't going to help you ㅡ no one is," Galene hissed.

Her eyes were blazing in fury, her teeth gritting as she let her emotions take the wheel of her body. But before her fist met his face, someone came up from behind and pulled her away from him.

"Stop making a scene, brat."

Struggling to get out of his hold, she clenched her hands and sneered. "Let me go, Levi. I'm going to sweep the floor with his ugly face."

But said man didn't oblige and kept his arms wrapped around her torso, eliciting an infuriated growl from her. Her wrestling stopped, however, as Farlan walked up to stand between them and Jack.

"I suggest you leave them alone."

Jack narrowed his eyes upon him. "This is none of your business, freak."

Instead of losing his composure, Galene watched as Farlan merely crossed his arms over his chest and voiced for everyone to hear, "If you mess with any of us, you mess with all of us."

Silence fell upon them as his words sank in. Galene failed to notice how those arms were no longer holding her back, but casually resting around her; she was too busy staring at Farlan in utter stupor. Glancing at Isabel, she found the same determined look set on her face.

And she finally understood what her sister had been talking about. Family wasn't about blood or bones, but those bonds that connected them as one single, powerful force.

Tilting her head to the side, her eyes met Levi's and she teased, "You can stop hugging me now." 

He did, not before giving her an irked stare. "Brat."

And then, the four friends left the room. As Isabel and Farlan got engaged into a conversation about whether sleep was more important than food or not, she felt some kind of relief filling her bones.

"You are such a pain in the ass, woman."

Galene shrugged her shoulders and glanced at Levi as they walked up the stairs. "You should have let me break his nose, at least. But I guess I can save that for another time, since you're so scared of getting admonished by Erwin."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I will strap you down."

A smirk formed on her face.


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