"Hi, we have meet before but I guess you don't remember considering you are wasted that time" she said before turning to Jack and raised her brow at him. I just furrowing my brows together in confusion because honestly this is the first time I saw her.

"Okay let me introduce you to these morons I called them my friends." Jack said facing everyone in.

"You already meet Charlie, my annoying step brother, now this is our cousin Addison Murphy, the one who helped you clean up" Jack draped his arm on Addison shoulder but she shrugged it off then lunged forward to hug me.

"Nice to meet you too Addison" I said, hugging her back.

"That dirty blonde haired guy over there is Harry Richardson and the black haired is Jonathan Fernandez the badboy of our group" Jack added.

"Really? I am the badboy? Isn't that was you all this time?" Jonathan asked, getting up and offering his hand for me to shake. "Call me Joe for short. You are beautiful, where did you go all these time?" He added, winking at me. I feel my cheeks warm up.

I am not used for compliment or flirt... Nicholas is the only guy who ever close to me and he never compliment me in any way. Forget it about he flirt with me. That's none.

"Nice meeting you too Joe" I shake his hand, tried to control my cheeks from blushing.

"Move asshole, you always tried to hit on every female who approach us which end up scared the shit out of them" Harry shoved Joe aside and give me a wide grin. "I hope you stay with us, or at least with me, ignore those morons" he said hugging me. I stilled for a moment, not expecting his hug, but then I awkwardly pat his back.

"Yeah, like you do any better impression" Joe muttered.

"Can you guys stop it?, You started to scare her away" Jack interceding.

"I guess this will be fun birthday" Charlie screamed made Addison jump.

"You scared me jerk!" She said, punched his shoulder in reflect.

"Catherine, what do you want to drink?" Addison asked, make her way towards the kitchen.

"Anything that not alcoholic please" I replied.

"Hey... Come sit with me" Charlie take my hand and led me to the couches, the rest of the guys follow suit.

"So, I hear you went on a date with Jack yesterday" Joe said, glancing back and forth between Jack and I, he's sitting on a single couch across from Charlie and I. "Is that true man?" He turn to Jack, raising his brow.

"No" Jack and I answered at the same time.

Addison come back to the room with our drinks.

"That's pretty defensive you know" she said while handing me my drink then she take a seat in between Joe and Harry.


Jack was about to answer but the door bell blaring interrupted him.

From the reaction on their faces, I could tell they're not expecting anyone, but Charlie rushed to the door anyway.

The Breakup Bar (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now