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Man was once one with nature, the forest is still my home and nature still calls me.

The smell of the rain on the fluffy dirt simply invites me in.

The cushion of the moss that inhabits the rocks and bark

Feels like a natural carpet for my toes to wiggle in, a gift from mother nature herself.

The green of the trees flows down with each needle

Like a waterfall filling a bowl, the valley around me,

With a crystal clear blue filling the vast of the sky above with splotches of white.

When I'm deep, I could find petroglyphs on the mountain,

Stories from our ancestors that lived among this forest.

Babbling brooks fill the long silence along with the voices of birds squirrels and bugs,

collaborating to create a song, telling man of the flow,

For this beautiful land has been masked by man and his ego;

But man's cravings to build, improve, and be remembered infinitely will fade away

And his statues will fall and his legacies will be forgotten.

The forest around me, a ripple in this quiet pond of a universe,

Will never stop growing, thriving, experiencing, learning, changing or being infinite.

Fear and peace, death and life, animals and their ways of living,

Not always good but honest, natural, a never ending flow.

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