Wes takes the book back from me and tucks it under his armpit. It seems a bit strange that he would drag me all the way to an enclosure, putting on a big act that he was going to teach my about alligators, just to expose a silly common misconception. It was more comical, but we wasted time and that seems inefficient.

“Y/N?” Wes calls, snapping me away from my thoughts. “We've got to hurry if you don't want to miss the show.”

My eyebrows crinkle together but I speed up nonetheless. The show shouldn't be happening until later today. Right?

We pass many different enclosures but everything is a blur as Wes races to ahead of me. I'm jogging to keep up with him for no apparent reason to me. The show shouldn't be happening until nine at the latest, right?

Wes stops abruptly and it takes all of the effort and control in my body to stop myself from crashing into him with immense force. I stand with my hand on my hip, trying to catch my breath, while Wes flips through The Big Book of Reptiles. Each page that he flips over is turned faster than the last as if he knows exactly what subject comes after the next. Before long, the book is in my arms and open to the “Freshwater crocodile” section.

“Read,” wes demands with a pointed finger. I look down at the book and almost begin until I realize Wes is moving still. I follow with precaution, looking between book and path. Before I read too far though, Wes turns back around and taps the pages lightly “Out loud, please Ms. L/N.”

Once Wes is turned back around I roll my eyes in a friendly manner. Though I'm sure visitors thought I looked crazy.

“Okay, let's see,” I begin. “Freshwater crocodiles, or ‘crocodylus johnstoni’ are native to Australia and can be found mainly in Queensland though some also inhabit the East Coast. Although this species is named “freshwater” it can live in both fresh and saltwater.”

“Yes, all good,” Wes shrugs, coming to a stop in the path to face me. “But what we really need to know is where they like to be. You know, what kind if conditions they need to thrive. That way, we can scope out new places they could be… we just haven't checked.”

Wes's enthusiasm was enchanting, albeit a little obsessive. I adored it entirely. Everyone I've met at this zoo has the same mindset: save the animals, help the animals, learn to love through animals. It was beautiful.

“Okay uh…” I scan the page until my eyes land on one particular part. “Ah-hah. Crocodiles are most comfortable when their body temperature is 30 to 33 degrees Celsius, or approximately 86 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit. To achieve warmth they will sunbathe. If too hot, crocodiles will return to water. This the only way they can cool off because crocodiles are unable to sweat.” I nod my head and look up at Wes, who still hasn't moved forward since we stopped.

“Very good,” Wes urges, placing a hand under his chin in thought. “Now, Y/N, what can you conclude is necessary for a crocodile's habitat from this reading?”

“A body of water,” I start, putting up a finger as I add components. “Plenty of sun. Maybe rocks to sunbathe on? But I'm sure shade could also be useful. Just not too much shade.”

Wes nods his head in agreement and asks for the book back. I hand it over and suddenly we're off again, slightly jogging towards something. I wish I had brought my phone with me to check the time but sadly I left it in the room I had started in. I assumed it wouldn't be useful to me.

It only takes a few minutes to reach somewhat of an arena. This must be where Robert feeds the crocs for everyone. Wes turns down a hallway and leads me into what I can only suspect is where Robert prepares himself for the task.

He passes room after room, barely glancing into each one, until suddenly he's gone. I turn right into the room Wes rushed into and see that Robert is indeed inside.

I approach them with caution. It feels like I'm intruding on something personal and in a way I probably am. After all, Robert is trying to get his nerves in check before a nerve wracking performance. Of course that is assuming that the brave boy is scared.

When I finally stand next to them Wes has his arm wrapped around Robert's shoulder and there's a wide grin plastered across Robert's face. That smile.

Before my mind can wander off to whatever fantasy it decides, where Robert is my best friend or even prince charming, I am snapped back to reality.

“Hey, Y/N,” Robert smiles in greeting. I offer a weak one in return, a but too flustered to act normal around him for the trick my brain tried to play on me. “Did Wes here take you all around the zoo?”

I giggle now, feeling more comfortable and find my voice to respond with “Yes, how did you know?”

Robert tosses a look over to Wes who mocks guilt and we laugh together.

“He did the same to me.”

“Well,” I playfully reprimand. “That's not very polite of you.”

Wes hangs his head down in shame and kicks the ground sheepishly. This makes me laugh even more.

“Well,” Wes broaches. “I have a small matter to attend to. I will be as fast as I can be but you two will have to get along for a bit.”

Wes looks at Robert for a few seconds and then at me, both with a stern and forceful look. Again, he is such a father figure.

“Can I trust you won't tear each other apart before I get back?”

Robert and I laugh. Robert's laugh is so loud and powerful. I love it. It sounds like he really means it.

“Well,” I pipe up. “No promises.”

“Ms. L/N!”

I laugh more and Wes takes off leaving us alone in the room. I suddenly feel rather awkward laughing.


Hello my guys! Again, another kinda long time without an update. Earlier today I was super inspired to write more of this story and then, a wonderful reader (who this chapter is dedicated to) sent me a message. Now I've received a few messages, but this one was especially interesting because it offered me a new book cover. Well, I fell in love with the cover they sent me and if you're reading this now, it is the cover I am using for my book! This is still the same book, just a new look. (A better one, in my opinion). Now this chapter is kinda short and also un-edited so I'm sorry if anything bugs you. I should be going back and fixing everything soon. Alright.

-Write-with-tea 💚

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