"Sea, get your boots off my bumper before I throw you out.", Skyler said, sounding really pissed off.


"Boys and their toys.", I replied laughingly but pulled my feet down from his car bumper.

"Seriously Sky, you wanna get a speeding or what, slow down a bit.", I said worriedly, someday his speeding habit is going to get him killed, I just hope he learns and not the hard way.

"No sis, a speeding ticket itself can't get a speeding ticket, now, can it?"


Is he high on something.

"Did you just call yourself a speeding ticket."


Definitely high.

"Why?", why are you even bothering to talk to a junkie, Sea.

"Because 'FINEs' written all over me.", Skyler replied with a wink towards me and I fake gagged.

"Wow bro, your head is so big, I wonder why don't the planets revolve around it.", I said, laughing at his blatant narcissism.

"Don't know about planets, but Nat Geo says even galaxies revolve around so.....", Sky stated with an arrogant smirk on his face because he knows he's the only one who has counter attacks for my battle of wits.

Well, at least now I know why he's so painstakingly single.

I jumped when a cold thumb touched my cheek from my right and I turned towards River, who had his hand cupping my cheek, and pure concern written all over his face, minus the Ray Bans.

.....and looking into his eyes was not a great idea, his dark globes were scrutinizing me with deep and utter concern, I've built my walls, tall and strong, not limiting myself, but arresting others who might be lurking at places that are prohibited to the world.


But River, he's no world, he's universe.

"Are you okay, you didn't seem scared of speed, but then your tears......"



I touched my cheek, and sure as hell they were moist, I didn't even realize how or when my tear ducts started working, even memories alone can strike hard enough to vaporize my thick walls.


Now River must think of me as a weak girl, who gets scared of speed.

Seriously me and scared of speed.

Then what are you going to tell River.

How long you think it'll take him to find out about the skeletons in your closet??

And do you think he'll stick around to even know the full truth, when you yourself don't know.

You're poignant and wretched, don't expect people to accept you without your forged counterfeit.

Just a small walk down the memory lane, and you came apart like the pitiable damaged little girl that you are.

Changing towns does not erase what you did....

....and who had paid the price of it.

It doesn't change anything, remember that Sea.

Screw you Bitch, just screw you, why does she always have to be right.

But River...

I looked at him, and he was closely observing me, he wasn't waiting for my explanation, rather he was seeking answers on his own.

In that moment, I realized, River Parker, doesn't talk, he observes, doesn't listen, rather he understands, doesn't see, but acknowledges everything.. every time.....

And such people are deadly to me, I need to keep my distance from him.

So keeping the conversation short , I tried to get away.

As soon as possible.

"Ah just something went into my eye....", I said hurriedly and started wiping off my cheeks, damn it, when did I get so weak willed.

Steel heart baby, steel heart.

I avoided meeting River's eyes because one look into them and he'll see right through my bullshit.

".....they already left.", I asked mentioning his other two buddies who were now missing from the car. When I tried to avoid River's gaze, I looked around the parking lot.....

.....and perfect we're at the school already, and looking how empty it is, it's clear we're the last one and probably the late ones.

Well this better be the earliest I've ever been late.

"Yeah, we are the only ones left, schools starting in five minutes, you sure you fine."

Do not look in his eyes.

Turn around and leave.

"Oh shoot, I better run off then, well thanks for the ride."

And before he could say anything, I pelted off.


Something was not right.

After leaving River behind, I ran into my homeroom class, and yes I was late but being a newbie sure as hell has it's own advantage, one lost puppy eyes look towards the teacher and he was ready to be my personal GPS for the entire year.

So yes things were going pretty smoothly, then came the second period, Calculus, and yes I like Mathematics, although I don't trust the respected teacher, she always has a graph paper, so maybe she's always plotting something.

Your point Sea.

Okayyyyy, yes, so like I was explaining, things were butter smooth till second period, but then by the end, all the students received something on their phones and thus began the whisper and the fingers started getting pointed towards me and I hate it, I hate being objectified, I hate being the center of unwanted attention and I sure as hell, hate high school .

Also the minus point of being a newbie is that, you're not updated on latest teas, and right now looks like I'm the starrer in the newly spilled tea.

"Are you and River a thing now?", Chloe asked coming from behind me at her locker to take her next periods respected books, with big saucer eyes and moving her arms in the air for getting her exasperated point across.

"Did you miss your morning dose Chloe."

Or maybe she overdosed, you'll never know what shit can come from people high out of their God freaking mind's.

Me and River, she gotta be shitting me.

"Of course, that means it's definitely Clarice.", she said shutting her locker with a loud bang, damn, someone's being dramatic, and clicking her fingers like she just understood the big bang theory without actually putting brain into it.

"What do you mean, what does Clarice has to do anything with me?", I asked, not liking the direction of the advancement of this conversation at all.

"And obviously you're not following the insta page of Riverfront's, well look there's a picture, which now I think Clarice got her minions to Photoshop it.....", she said, showing her phone screen to me and oh Jesus........

There's a picture of River and me sitting in his car with River's hands on my cheeks, the angle in which the picture is taken, it looks like he is leaning in to kiss me and oh my sweet Satan, my original confused expression looked like a completely sedated face, like his nearness have left me breathless and maybe yes it's true what River's closeness can do but in this photo, it was completely aiming at something entirely different.

"Holy shit....."

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