"Why is everyone so depressed?" MJ asked, attempting to understand.

"Liz Allan is leaving," Gia informed her.

"Oh right, because her dad's a psycho and started blowing shit up and killing people." MJ nodded. Ned quickly shook his head, putting his finger to his lips. "I mean it's sad and all, but her dad's nuts."

"What'd you say?"

Gia and MJ finally caught sight of Liz who had trudged over to the group. Her mother was held back, speaking to the principal. Liz gripped the box tightly, her eyes slightly squinting and a vein from her neck popping, she was clearly angry.

"Your dad is a killer?" MJ scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Are we gonna act like it's not true?" The tired-looking girl whispered obnoxiously loud to Gia.

Liz instantly stepped towards MJ who kept a straight face before Gia quickly placed a hand onto Liz's arm. "I suggest you don't. One, you're going through things right now and I don't think your mom wants to deal with you getting into a fight. And two, it won't end well for you." Gia gritted her teeth.

"You know, Gia. I always knew there was something up with you. Foster home, trying to steal Peter away. You have issues," Liz attempted to stir the pot with Gia.

"Oh like your dad?" MJ snorted.

"You're the crazy one here. Not my dad. You think everyone likes you, nobody does, not even Peter Parker." Gia stared at the girl in confusion, Liz had been acting like Peter wasn't there and throwing her anger towards Gia.

"Listen, I didn't do anything to you so I don't think I'm getting why you're coming at me but - " Gia began but was quickly cut off by Liz slamming the curly haired girl's hand away roughly.

"Fuck you, Gia. Fuck you, your stupid friends, your stupid foster home, and you know what fuck you MJ." Liz walked away quickly.

The group stood in silence before Gia raised her arms, "Okay, What the fuck?"

"Honestly! What the fuck?" MJ agreed.

"This is so much swearing." Ned shook his head and opened his locker. "Peter," The best friends looked at each other, almost as if they were speaking to each other without saying a word. "MJ, lets go to the library before class." MJ was quick to protest but Ned slammed his locker and dragged the girl away.

"What Liz said wasn't true." Peter finally spoke. "Sorry I haven't been talking, I-I just feel guilty. I'm the reason her dad's in jail." He whispered.

Gia noticed how shaken up he was, she pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged her back and buried his face into her neck. "I don't care about what Liz said, I know it's not true. At the end of the day, I'm the one who's kissed you. Anyways, it's not your fault. It's his fault, he knew what he was doing, Pete." She rubbed his back.

"I know, I just feel bad." Peter mumbled on her skin, he was always cold and she always warmed him up.

"Don't, you'll eventually realize that you did what was right." She pulled back from the uncomfortable position, it wasn't uncomfortable like she didn't like it, he was a bit taller than her and slouching down to bury himself into her was taking a toll on his back.

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