The man turned from Kane towards his saddle, as his commander withdrew her arrow. Gently Senyela place her bow back on her back, and the arrow into her quiver.

"Senyela, will we go through the field, or around?" the baron asked.

"I think we should walk through, under Kane's lead, if he can truly sneak past raptors." Senyela tested.

"Very well, Kane lead the way." The baron announced.

"Raptor fun time, I suppose." Sir William muttered.

"We will have to unsaddle, or the raptors will see us on top the horses and we will have to gather the horses in the middle of are troops."

"Why?" a soldier asked.

"Because I rather keep the horses alive, the raptors, if any, will see them. We have to be willing to defend them." Kane replied.

"Oh and this is supposed to be easy? This is a stupid plan!" A knight complained.

"If the Iron Knight is truly killing people his next target is a village half a week's ride from where the ruins are, he should be there by next week, if we don't go through this, that puts us three days behind to investigate yet another village. I just want to save lives." Kane replied.

"Well said," The baron replied, "off your horses, do as the man says; he will lead us from this point forward."

The group mumbled under their breaths, as they followed the baron's orders. They were walking into a fire, in all senses of the metaphor. As each member pulled out their weapons walking through the grass, Kane walked forward, weapons sheathed. His feet fell like death on old age, without a sound and unpredictable. Kane glanced to his left and right, as the horses, gave heavy breaths of fear, their instincts giving them away.

Suddenly a raptor leaped into the air, jumping towards a horse. The raptor was greeted with nothing more settle than an arrow in the eye, from the damsel's bow. The dead scaly body fell to the ground, as more raptor noises were heard in the distance. The horses freaked as they saw the raptors body.

"We need to run," Kane said calmly, as he started to sprint forward.

The rest of the group followed his lead, as their heavy armor weighed their steps. Within seconds a raptor could be heard whimpering as Kane stood atop, slamming his sword into its heart.

"Keep going!" Kane yelled.

Kane dodged a raptor leaping threw the air towards him and pulled out the butcher knife from his waste, watching the raptors moves. The reptile hissed at him as the tip of Ragnar followed the raptors movements. The raptor pounced once more at Kane. Kane moved quickly dodging the attack, and slamming the butcher blade through the raptors spin. He glanced forward seen that the party had continued as he had commanded.

The baron and the group stopped at the end of the long, yellow grass, looking around for Kane.

"Kane," Senyela shouted.

"Kane." The baron said more softly.

"Leave him, he's a goner. We need to get out of here before we are a raptor nest's next meal." Senyela's soldiers announced.

Suddenly from the grass leaped a raptor towards the baron. In his steel plate suit, he swung his heavy battle axe in a circular motion, the blade of the weapon hitting the raptor in the stomach, knocking it to the ground as the baron decapitated its head. The noise from the raptors suddenly stopped, every man on nerve. When raptors went silent it was never a good sign

"They won't be hunting us anymore." Kane replied coming out from the long grass.

The rugged man, carried in his hand, a raptor's head, and in his other, a blooded claw. More or less, unscratched and maimed, the man walked forward with his bloody clothes. He smiled as he looked at the group.

Guardian: #1 Spell BoundWhere stories live. Discover now