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After everyone was finished practicing, they all went home in separate cars

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After everyone was finished practicing, they all went home in separate cars. The maknae line in one car, Seokjin, and Namjoon in another car and Yoongi with Hoseok in another.

Everyone was extremely tired from all the practicing but Yoongi didn't even get an ounce of sleep the previous night, he was up working on their upcoming album in his studio. He hadn't notified anyone about him not sleeping, he didn't want to worry the other members.

Hoseok, in the passenger seat of the car, was starting to notice the car was drifting a little out of the lane they were on.

"Hyung, pull over. You're obviously exhausted from today so let me drive."

Yoongi shook his head, trying to shake the sleepiness off.

"Hobi, just relax okay? You practiced a whole lot more than I did and it's only fair that I drive."

He gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Just a few more minutes and we'll be home and then we can rest."

Hoseok put his phone down, trying to stay awake but he was slowly drifting off to sleep each minute that passed by.

The two men jumped at the sudden sound of a car horn. They analyzed the situation they were in and realized that they were on the complete opposite side of the road.

"Yoongi hyung! Move the car!"

Hoseok yelled at Yoongi, who was too shocked to do anything, causing Hoseok to take matters into his own hands. Hoseok gripped the steering wheel and tried to quickly move to their side of the highway, sending the car spinning and flipping until it reached a ditch on the side of the road.

The accident happened way to fast for them to do anything about it. Now, they were laying in the demolished car, barely able to move a muscle.

Hoseok reached his hand out to touch Yoongi's face, the sudden movement caused him to get into a coughing fit, coughing up some blood along with it.

Yoongi slowly looked over at Hoseok, feeling so guilty that it was his fault that they ended up like this.

"H-Hoseok... I'm s-so sorry."

Yoongi's shaking hand reached out to grab Hoseok's. Hoseok grabbed his hand and put it up to his own cheek. The familiar warmness of his cheek made Yoongi almost flinch.

"Don't be s-sorry, hyung... n-no matter what h-happens to us, pr-promise me we will still be together, just like this."

Hoseok looked at Yoongi fondly, this could be their last memory together.

"Of course Hobi, I-I would ri-risk anything to be with you. Th-This might be our last memory together, I wa-want you to know that I will always b-be with you. I love you, so much."

Hoseok held Yoongi's hand against his cheek even tighter from hearing those words.

"Y-Yoongi... my soulmate. I-I know th-that you'll a-always be here w-with me and I will never, ever leave your side. I love you, too... more than you could imagine."

And with those last few words, they both drifted off... to whatever they had waiting for them.

They made a promise to always be together no matter what happens and Yoongi was not about to break that promise, he will do anything possible to stay right by Hoseok's side.

a/n: y'all, i almost cried while writing this omfg,, i hope you guys enjoyed this, although i dont see why you would enjoy something this sad :( byebye guys:((((

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