"Jamie, babe," I said softly, hoping that she'd at least acknowledge me. I got nothing. "Please babe." I leaned over and carefully pulled the book from her hands and put it down on the table between our chairs.

She looked up at me, big brown eyes looking right into my eyes. I wanted to hear her sweet voice, but all she did was stare at me, waiting for me to talk. "I'm sorry. I really am," I said and reached forward to grab her small hand in mine. "This vacation was meant for you and me... Not for anyone to come in and take time away from us."

Her hand gripped mine a little tighter and her eyes softened, but she still didn't speak. "I shouldn't have talked to Ella," I said softly. "She's Julian's ex, and quite frankly, it wasn't appropriate. We're here for me and you."

Jamie didn't say a word, just yanked on my hand, pulling me toward her. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she held me tight for a hug. "I love you, Danny. I'm sorry."

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. "I love you, too, Jamie. And I'm the one who should be sorry. It took me talking to Jules to realize," I whispered as I held her even tighter. "God, I'm so sorry. I love you."

She pulled away so her beautiful brown eyes met mine again. Her small hand moved up to cup my cheek. "Make love to me, Danny." She whispered, then leaned in. Her hot lips met mine, and god, how could I say no?

I wrapped my arms around her and easily lifted her up. "God you're so beautiful," I whispered as I made my way into the house, then to the bedroom.

I slowly lowered her onto the bed and attached my lips to hers, letting all my body weight rest on hers. Her hands moved up, weaving into my hair as her hips bucked up into my hardening length. We pulled apart to catch our breaths. "I gotta get you out of this swimsuit," I whispered as I dipped back down the trail kisses down her neck and to the collar of her suit.

My hands ran up her sides, and I curled my fingers around the straps, sliding them down her shoulders, revealing her beautiful tanned skin. Once she pulled her arms from the suit, her breasts popped free and I dove down, attaching my mouth to her right nipple as I continued to slid her suit further down her beautiful body.    

My teeth nibbled lightly on her hardening nipple and she tensed under me. "D-Danny," she moaned as she brought her arms up and grabbed at the back of my shirt at the collar. "O-Oh god." She began yanking at my shirt, ready to pull it over my head. I released my lips from her breast and let her yank it over. I let go of her sides, slid it off my arms, then attached my hands to her sides again—continuing to pull her suit down.

"Need you now," I whispered as I got the suit to her waist. Even with all my weight resting on her body she managed to lift our lower haves up, letting me pull the rest from her body. I slipped off of her and stood there, looking at her wonderful body— I needed to get my swim trunks off— ASAP. 

I untied them and shoved them down, letting my dick spring free. The small gasp she let out made my eyes flick up to her face. She was looking back up at me with half lidded, but hungry eyes. I licked my lips and looked down at her, I could just eat her up.

Evidently I was taking too long. She leaned up and grabbed my hand, pulling me down to her. Her arms moved up and wrapped around my neck, bringing her lips to mine again. My hands ran down her soft skin, resting at her hips so I could bring us up the bed a bit. I moved my right knee up, separating her legs, then brought my right hand down and slid it to the inside of her thigh, where her most sensitive spot is. She tensed under me and I chuckled against her lips. She was already putty in my hands.

I dipped one finger into her hot, wet, heat and she let out a loud moan. I pulled it out, then pushed back in, her hands moved up my back, and scratched her nails down-- turning me on even more. I pulled out and added two fingers, then pulled my lips from hers and began littering kisses down the valley of her breasts. "D-Danny," she groaned as her hands moved back into my hair. 

I smirked against her skin, licking down the rest of my way to her heat. I curled my fingers inside of her and got a loud yell. "Please! Danny!" I pulled my fingers from her heat, and she let out a gasp. I popped my fingers in my mouth and let out a low moan as I looked up at her.

She lifted her head, her lust filled brown eyes looked at me as she clutched the sheets in her hands. With a smirk, I clamped both of my hand on her hips and dove down, dipping my tongue into her heat. "Mmm," I moaned as I dipped deeper.

Her hands moved back up to my hair, desperately trying to get me to go deeper-- I obliged, getting as deep as possible. "D-Danny, please," she begged. I could feel the excitement running through her body.

I pulled my mouth from her heat and smirked down at her. Her eyes opened wide, looking up at me like I'd betrayed her, but I think I was forgiven as my lips met hers, and my dick ghosted against her entrance. I slowly entered her, bottomed out, then rested there for a second, kissing around her jaw line.

As my hands moved up to be tangled in her hair, her hands clawed at my back. Her left leg moved up, wrapping around my back, holding me where I was. She threw her head back and I began kissing at her throat. "S-Start moving," she let out.

I began thrusting, fluid movements as I pulled at her hair. "You're... You're so tight! We just... Last night," I mumbled out, going harder.

She let out small gasps every time I drilled back in. "Harder!"

I pounded in harder, feeling her tense around me-- she was getting close, just as was I. "I-I Danny!" She moaned as she began to orgasm.

The sound of my name falling off her hips shot through me as I pounded harder and harder. "I-I... Jame..." I moaned as her leg tightened around me. She comed, putting me at my edge. As I released, my hands tightened in her hair, and millions of stars took over my vision.

I slowly pulled out of her heat, rolled off of her, onto my back, and pulled her into my arms. She rested her head against my sweaty chest, and I kissed her forehead as we desperately tried to get out breaths back.

I don't think it could've been any more perfect.


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