"I mean,you use the word "pussy" a lot,I noticed. I wonder why, are you short on words because your ignorant ass didn't even finish middle school or because you and your shitty attitude haven't gotten pussy in a while and now all you can do is keep repeating that word to try to reminisce the feeling?" Said the younger sipping from his drink

The older chuckled "Were you always this boring? I lost you at the first "pussy"

"Of course you did" Said the younger rolling his eyes "why are you even here,Lee?"

Mark leaned closer to him making the boy next to him flinch surprised by their sudden closeness,Haechan gulped hearing the older's boy's breath on his ear

"Target" Mark said simply before pulling away

"Target" was a word Haechan was used to hearing a lot,just like anyone that was in a gang at the time.
Members would use the word to intend that they were there to beat someone up or to kill them. Their target that is.

Haechan nodded once "Let me guess,it's Jeno, stop trying to kill my guys,I'm sick of having to go to funerals, they're boring as fuck" Said Haechan looking down at the dancing area seeing everyone dance

Mark smirked at the younger's heartlessness "I'm not killing Jeno...not tonight."

Mark grabbed his drink chugging it down all at once breathing in after feeling how strong it was

"Could you not drink? You're already saying nonsense when you're sober,I don't want to imagine what would come out of your mouth if you're drunk"

"Could you stop being pretty then,Haechan?" Said Mark leaning in slightly closer observing the boy from head to toe

"What?" Said Donghyuck trying to not stutter and seem confident

"I'm sober enough to say you're pretty" Mark slightly tilted his head "and that's not nonsense because you actually are"

Mark subtly moved closer to the boy that seemed to have let his guard down, the boy's eyes wondered everywhere except In Marks direction, Mark grabbed his chin so that their eyes could finally meet making Haechan's eyes blink and palm become slightly sweaty

"Why can't you look at me,Hyuck?" He smiled softly staring at the younger's lips that where pinker than usual

"Because you look fucking ugly." Said Donghyuck looking down immediately gulping as his left leg started to shake

"Do i?" Mark's fingers slipped on the Boy's neck ,he pressed them wanting to feel Haechan's heart beat "then why is your heart beating so fast?" Mark smirked "I think it's you that's talking nonsense,don't you think?"

Haechan hissed hating the effect the older boy had on him. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been feeling strange lately. Especially when it came to his rival. When he was in his presence his heart would beat so fast he couldn't even keep up with it. He would start stuttering,something that was very rare for him. Whenever he'd see him he'd wish with all his soul that he would come over to pick on him as he usually did even if it meant having to argue and insult the older boy.
But Haechan knew Mark was trouble,it had always been like that. He didn't want to give in to him. He couldn't give in. But how could he resist when Mark looked at him so tenderly and touched him so softly?

Mark immediately stopped himself grabbing Haechans arm and pulling him up "let's go"

Haechan had finally snapped back to reality confused on the behavior of the older boy "I-I'm not even finished my drink"

Mark sighed and grabbed Haechan's glass and drunk it all in once again

"Hey!" Said Donghyuck dissapointed

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