Chapter 25- Whole New Game

Start from the beginning

I stare at the window with growing intent before bringing my attentin back to my Nana.

"Kye is part of the game now." I say suddenly.

"Excuse me?" Her eyes fly open.

"I used my abilities to bring him into this world so that he couldn't mess with us anymore. As far as land formations go, this is the real house now. As long as we stay quiet he won't be able to find us and trap us." I smile.

"I thought we talked about the powers situation." She crosses her arms.

"Look Nana, I know you don't like it but I am being careful. I know the risks of what I am doing and I am taking care of it. This is the only thing I could do to get Kye back and even the score. Now, unless he finds us, he won't be able to take you or Sam away from me." 

She looks at me for a moment, and I worry that she is going to yell again. But instead her face softens and she nods slowly.

"You did the right thing. He is probably guarding the others at the moment so going there isn't the best plan." She says.

"That's what we figured. I was hoping that you would have some sort of plan on how to get past him and get the others. And then maybe figure out a way to get us out of this place without getting caught." I sound more hope full than I feel.

She looks into the distance, deep in thought. I wait, one hand pressed against the door waiting for her answer.

"Maybe some sort of distraction would get him away from the others long enough to free them. After that we would just need to stall him or hold him back while we get out. It might be the only option we have at the moment." 

"Not the only option." I tell her.

Her gaze turns icy.

"You have done enough all ready. From now on you won't need to use your powers any more." She tells me.

"Sam seems to think it is the only option at this point. But we can try things your way for now. Just know this Nana, if things come down to it that I need save the others, I will not hesitate to use them. You can't stop me then." I warn her.

She looks like she might argue.But she only shakes her head slowly in disappointment. 

"By the way where is your friend?" Nana asks peering around me.

I turn around to see that Sam isn't behind me. I had thought the entire time she had been standing right behind me. Maybe the thought of seeing Nana unharmed had distracted me. 

Rushing back out into the hall I locate her at the other end of the hall, and the sight sends me running. She is lying face down on the ground, her back heaving as she tries to get a breath. In that moment I forget about Kye and Nana and I scream.

"Sam!" I cry rushing to her side.

She gasps in a breath but she doesn't move. Through my bond with Kye I feel his intrigue. He's heard me, but he's not sure what to make of it. He's trying to reach out and feel what I'm feeling. I don't block him like I feel I should. I'm too busy trying to bring Sam to.

"Nana what do we do? She doesn't have her inhaler with her!" I cry.

"Stay calm Katherine, she needs to get medical attention. Right now we don't have the resources to help her."

"What do we do then?" I demand.

"What are you willing to do to save her life?" 

"Anything!" I cry.

"Then we have to leave her here for Kye to find. He won't let her die and he will give her the medical attention she needs." Nana says.

I stare at the floor in utter shock. If there were any other way to do this.... but there isn't. Kye has taken care of the others, so maybe if I leave Sam with him he will restore her back to health. When I rescue the others I will take her to a hospital. 

"Okay Nana, but how do we know Kye will find her in time?" I ask, my eyes watering.

"Maybe if you called him some how he would come looking for you and find her. We could be gone from here before he gets here." She suggests.

"I have the next best thing." I say reaching out through our bond. 

He feels me, and I feel his intrigue.

"She will die unless you help her," I try to show him a picture of her through our link, "I know I haven't given you a good reason, but she is still my friend and she means a lot to me. Please don't let her die. I don't know what I'll do without her."

For a moment there is no answer. But then I feel him sending a message.

She will be safe.

If there was anything else I didn't hear it. Nana and I are on our feet in a moment moving as far away from her as possible.

I have to trust Kye to keep his word, even if it pains me to do so.


Hey everyone, I have actually finished the last couple of chapters to this book, but I've decided to wait until I get enough views to publish the next one. 

The next chapter will be published when I get to 5000 views.

Hope you all enjoy this book as much as I did writing it.

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