Chapter 10: QinFei returns

Start from the beginning

"Master!" The figure stopped attacking and quickly bent down, one knee on the ground, her right arm in front of her chest in salute.

Watching all these, Ruyi raised an eyebrow. He still did not know who this intruder was. His movement swift as he pressed the cold blade of his other sword, pressing on to the person's neck, he did not trust her on bit.

"Who are you?"

QinFei did not respond instead she just continued waiting for orders from feiyun.

Feiyun ignored them and walked towards the two fainted girls and poked them with a thin needle. Slowly their eyes fluttered open.

"Mistress?...Mistress becareful! Assassin!" Xu did not know what was happening as she started regaining consciousness. She only knew she had to protect the person in front of her. She scrambled to her feet, rushing to feiyun whom was now standing in front of Qinfei. an stared at Qinfei with one hand extended in front of feiyun in case she attacked.

An on the other hand rubbed her neck as she stood up, still in shock that she had loss in one move.

"Ruyi, this person is my shadow guard. Withdraw."

Feiyun's voice was nonchalantly as she put her finger on the tip of Ruyi's sword, bringing it away from QinFei's neck. Her face held a gentle smile but the smile did not reach her eyes.

In that moment, Ruyi was suddenly aware of the cold commanding voice and the fierce look in Feiyun's eyes.

'was this 16 year old girl always this strong? She has the same cold aura as Tian Huo.' 

"I apologize for being rude but it was all to protect mistress."
Ruyi spoke, respect in his voice as he sheath his swords and bowed forward his hand cupped in front of him.

"Strong warrior, I apologize for causing the misunderstanding. I did it because I  want to test the strengths of the people in this manor."

Qinfei said cheerfully as she pulled down the black clothes covering her face and revealed her eyes and a bright smile. 

"I am Qinfei. Thanks for the duel, I have learnt a lot. And to the two ladies over there, I am sorry for causing you hurt."

Qinfei bowed towards Ruyi and then towards An and Xu who were behind Feiyun. 

The three weren't sure how to respond to the straightforward Qinfei.

"Enough, you guys can talk later. come in and tell me how did it go?

Feiyun aware that the 3 probably had a load of questions. She motioned for Ruyi to leave and report to Tian Huo about QinFei's presence.

"Come in, all of you." Feiyun called the 3 girls into the room, lazily resting on the long arm chair, her slender body like a cat.

Qinfei sat in front of feiyun while An and Xu poured tea and sat to the side awaiting orders.

"Master, after leaving the Xue manor, i finally gathered 3, although they are young, they have potential. Sadly I am still missing 2. I hope master can give me more time."

Feiyun smile " What's there to apologize for? Besides, I've already found the other two. " She pointed to the two girls sitting anxiously on the side.

"It's just the matter of whether they want to join." Feiyun added.

Hearing the conversation, An and Xu were stunned.

"How about it? Would you like to join my squad of shadow guards?" Feiyun turned slightly to face them, her finger tapping on the wooden arm chair in rhythm.

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