Super Kouhai (Nijimura x Reader)

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All you can hear is the gushing of water from the shower heads and your rambling heart.

You clasped your hands together and shut your eyes,trying to calm yourself.You saw a chocolate in your pocket and opened it.

"I'm not me when I'm hungry."you stared at the snickers in your hands and bite it roughly just like in the commercial.(A/N:Sponsor? XD)

You calmed quickly because it's chocolate.A few minutes later,the gushing of water stopped and you can hear a footsteps inside the shower room.

Finally,he went out without noticing you.He reluctantly take off his towel that is wrapped around his waist and while you--who looks like a cherry right now--saw his tight ass.Yeah,those shiny cheeks,2 pieces of squishy ass cheeks.(A/N:OMFG,what am I writing? XD don't think that author-san is like this,okay? It doesn't reflect on my personality ovo)

Your mouth dropped opened while he just dried himself like you're not there.You tried to scream,"AHHHHHHH! MY EYES! MY VIRGIN EYES!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"you covered your eyes and fell on the bench you're sitting on earlier.Nijimura stopped doing what he is doing and saw you on the floor covering your eyes.

"Fu--what are you doing here?!"he was alert and rapidly put on his undergarments and his shorts them his shirt.

"I'm waiting for you,senpai!"you shrieked,still covering your eyes and took another bite from the snickers to calm yourself.

He sighed."It's okay now."he said and put his hands on his waist MANLY.Just like what your otou-san's do when you did a trouble.

You slowly take off your hands from your face and sighed in relief.You stared at your chocolate on your hand and stretch it out to him like giving an offer.

"Senpai~do you want chocolate~?"you asked while smiling.He just stared at you with those cold raven orbs.

"Uh..I guess you don't want."you stretch back your arm and going to bite another when he kneeled in front of you and held on your wrist where you hold the chocolate and took a bite.

He is staring into your eyes while chewing on it.You stared into his eyes then at your hands.His eyes.Your hands.His eyes.Your hands.

Your faces were inches apart and only one move,you'll meet his lips.He is going to stand up but since his feet are still wet,he slipped and fell on top you.You felt something soft on your lips and noticed his face were sticking into yours.You can feel his slightly cold cheeks and something pair of lips on yours.


Nijimura realized this too and so he pulled away and sit properly.You noticed there is blood on his lips.You were blushing so hard,the same with Nijimura.

"Senpai? There is blood..."you pointed at his lips and wiped it with your thumb.He is shocked.

"Are you hurt?"he asked.

"Me? Oh no! I'm not hurt,senpai~!"you smiled.

"Really? Then what's this?"he used his thumb to rid off the blood from your lips and showed it to you.

"Shimatta!"you were shocked and trying to find a handkerchief in your pockets.While you were panicking,Nijimura held your wrists which made you stopped panicking.He held out his handkerchief and gently damping it to your lips.

"Senpai! Gomenasai!"you bowed.But he held your chin up.

"Don't look down.I won't get rid off it properly."he said.

'Being touched by senpai like feels like a dream.I can see his features clearly and I concluded he's more handsome up close.His eyes were cold but I can feel some sincerity in it.'you thought as you stared at his face.

He is done taking off the blood.He flipped his handkerchief to hide the blood stain there then he stood up.He walk to his bag and pulled out a jacket and zipped it close.

"Senpai~let's walk home together~"you said while standing up and dusting off your skirt.

He was taken aback a bit but later on,he agreed.He opened the door and you followed.

"Senpai,you'll have games tomorrow,right?"you asked while looking up at him.He simply nodded.

"If that's the case then,"you smiled,"Senpai~I'll be cheering for your game~!"you smiled brightly which made him blush a bit.You two were currently going to the path at the back alley,it is where gangsters stand by.

"Thank you."he said.Suddenly,two badass guys blocked you two.

"Give me your bags!"he shouted,the one with a bandana covering the nose and mouth.He is wearing a lose shirt and a lose pants.

"What are you going to do with it?"Nijimura said and placed an arm in front of you like protecting you.He's pushing you away,preventing you from getting involved in danger.

"Of course,money~"they smirked.

"I won't give it."Nijimura glared at the two.

"No,senpai,give me your bag."you said.He give it to you hesitantly while the gangsters were mouth-watering.You opened his bag and take off all the content of it and hand the bag to them.They stared at it.

Nijimura chuckled a bit."here,the bag."you said.Nijimura smirked at them.

"That's not what I want!"he shouted,

"YOU SAID YOU WANT A BAG,RIGHT?!"you shouted.Nijimura chuckled.

"You bullsh*t!"the one with bandana punched him and hold Nijiimura's neck as if choking him.

"Senpai!"you shrieked and bite the bandana guy's arm very hard which made him let go of Nijimura.

"Senpai,are you okay?"you asked and he's coughing.

"I'm okay.Go run,I'll take care of these bastards."he said.

"No,senpai! I won't leave you!"you said.You didn't know the other bastard is behind you but your senses are sharp and pushed him away with so much force through his stomach.

"Who do you think you are,bad guys?! Touching senpai like that.You are so rude! We just happen to pass by here and you're going to rob us?!"you shouted at them.

"You b*tch! This is for you!"the bandana guy said but you pulled his hair which made him froze.

"Idiot! Rude! Piggy! Bad!"you slapped him on the face and pushes him away.It looks like he fly away.

"(Name),it's okay,you don't have to--"

"NO! I HAVE TO TEACH THEM A LESSON!!!"you said with your determined face on.

The two gangsters were taking a counterattack from either opposite directions and you're in the middle.You glared at the two and finding a good timing.

They were getting and you jumped and kicked their best friends hard.Minutes later,they were sprawling on the floor.

You looked down on them."Don't touch MY senpai! He's MY senpai so hands off!"you said angrily and get Nijimura's bag and put the content bag.You pulled his hand and you two continued walking.

Nijimura smiled at you."(name),thank you."he smiled at you.This made you blushed.

"T-that's nothing,senpai."you smiled."I like you that's why."

He is shocked and stared at you.You realized that cat got the tongue.'Shimatta.'

"You like me?"he smiled.

You bit your lips and hide your face then nodded.He patted your head."Watch my game tomorrow.You're my lucky charm after all."he smiled and winked at you.You blushed hard and covered it with your hands.

"H-hai."you smiled,"Senpai~gambatte~!"you smiled.


The game ended with Teiko for winning.Nijimura smiled and spotted you at the audience and ran to you.He carried you and twirled you around which made you laughed.

"Senpai! You won!"you smiled so bright.

"Yeah,this is for you,(name).I love you."he smiled and kissed your nose.

"Senpai! You're making me blush!"you blushed.

Kuroko no Basuke X Reader [ONE-SHOTS]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon